Systems for Machine Learning (CMSC828G)

Lecture Paper Readings

There will be two assigned readings for each lecture (after Mon DD, YYYY). All students are supposed to read all the assigned papers before the lecture. Your class participation grade for the course will be determined by:

  • Questions about the reading: Every student will submit 2-3 questions or discussion topics on one of the readings (paper 1 or 2 determined by your last name). These will be due 9 AM on the date of the lecture.
  • Short presentation on the reading: Once in the semester, each student (paired with another student) will do a short 5-minute presentation on one of the assigned readings. You will upload a PDF of the presentation by 9 AM on the date of the lecture. These presentations should be 4-5 minutes (in total including both students' parts) and follow the provided format.
Resource on how to read a scientific paper.

Lecture Slides

Number Date Topic and Slides Reading 1 Reading 2
1 Jan 28 Course Introduction and Overview
2 Jan 30 Introduction to HPC / Systems
March 18 Spring Break
March 20 Spring Break
April 10 Midterm Exam (during class)
May 15 Final Project Due