Konstantinos Bitsakos


Center for Automation Research, Computer Science Dep.,

University of Maryland, College Park

Research Publications Code Personal Interests  

Selected Publications

  • K. Bitsakos, C. Fermüller and Y. Aloimonos, "An Experimental Study of Color-Based Segmentation Algorithms Based on the Mean-Shift Concept", ECCV, 2010. (pdf) (bibtex) (code) (the original publication is available at Springer Verlag's website)
  • Li Yi, K. Bitsakos, Y. Aloimonos and C. Fermüller, "Real-Time Shape Retrieval for Robotics Using Skip Tri-Grams",  IEEE IROS, pp. 4731-4738, 2009. (pdf) (bibtex)
  • K. Bitsakos, Li Yi, Hyoungjune Yi and C. Fermüller, "Bilateral Symmetry of Object Silhouettes under Perspective Projection", IEEE ICPR, 2008. (pdf) (bibtex)
  • K. Bitsakos, J. Domke, C. Fermüller and Y. Aloimonos, "Measuring 1st Order Stretch with a Single Filter", IEEE ICASSP, 2008. (pdf) (bibtex) (code)
  • K. Bitsakos, Li Yi and C. Fermüller, “Combining Motion from Texture and Lines for Visual Navigation", IEEE IROS, 2007. (pdf) (bibtex)
  • K. Bitsakos and C. Fermüller, “Depth estimation using the compound eye of dipteran flies", Biological Cybernetics, 95, pp. 487-501, 2006. (pdf) (bibtex)

Other Publications

  • N. Swamy, N. Frangiadakis and K. Bitsakos, “A Distributed Algorithm for Constructing a Generalization of de Bruijn Graphs", Technical Report, CR-TR-4792, 2006. (pdf) (bibtex)
  • K. Bitsakos, D. Tsoumakos, Y. Aloimonos and N. Roussopoulos, “A Framework for Distributed Human Tracking", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'05), Las Vegas, USA, June 2005. (pdf) (bibtex)
  • C. Koutsikas, D. Staikos, K. Bitsakos, N. Papaspyrou and N. Malevris, “Testing a Communications Driver for the IEEE 1394 High Speed Serial Bus Standard", in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Practical Software Testing Techniques (PSTT 2000), pp. 1-12, Minneapolis, USA, September 20, 2000. (pdf) (bibtex)


K. Bitsakos, “Towards Segmentation into Surfaces", PhD Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park, 2010. (pdf) (bibtex)

Last updated on: February 2011

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