CS Network Status

This page lists both active and recently closed CS network alerts. If you would like more information about an alert, or if you have an issue you would like to report, send email to helpdesk [-at-] cs [dot] umd [dot] edu or call extension 52720.

Current Active Alerts

There are no current active alerts. Network operations are normal.

Have an issue that you need to report? Send email to helpdesk [-at-] cs [dot] umd [dot] edu.

Have a question about department IT services? Check out our FAQ.

Past Alerts

Updated Issue Summary Impact
01.01.2021 15:39 Mail delay

During today's network maintenance, an unexpected firmware issue caused all mail received to be delayed. Any mail that was sent between approximately 1 PM and 11 PM should be automatically delivered within the next 24 hours.

12.27.2020 23:26 Core Network Maintenance, Dec 27, 1PM - 4PM - minor packet loss possible

Outages were longer than expected due to a bug in the new firmware. Firmware has been rolled back and maintenance will be rescheduled.

12.16.2020 10:57 Horvitz cluster maintenance 11/24 - 11/29

Horvitz will be undergoing maintenance from 11/24 to 11/29. For more details please check the e-mail you should have received.

10.09.2020 09:31 Power outage in AVW

AVW is currently experiencing a power outage affecting all data centers in it. Network connections in and to Iribe are currently degraded and situation may worsen depending on how long the outage lasts.


08.20.2020 07:34 Troubleshooting of Hardware/software issue

One of the three servers that provides the department with authentication and DNS is experiencing intermittent problems. You may notice slowness or timeouts as we work to identify the issue. If you have a persistent problem, please contact the dept. IT staff. We will post a notification when the problem is resolved.

08.07.2020 00:05 NFS server online

The NFS server is back online. NFS mounts may need to be refreshed to remove stale mounts.

08.07.2020 00:05 NFS Server mounts are down

Our NFS server is currently undergoing unexpected maintenance. All services that rely on NFS may be down for the next hour. This includes home directories and web sites.

An announcement status will be made once the server is back online; NFS mounts may need to be refreshed to remove stale mounts.

07.26.2020 11:12 Updating SSL certificates

We are replacing the SSL certificates used for most department-run websites. We do not expect this to cause any issues.

07.26.2020 11:12 Campus-wide Power Outages impacting access to workstations in Iribe

Facilities Management has notified us of a major campus power issue. Systems that do not have battery backup will be inaccessible.

07.17.2020 00:54 NFS server online

The NFS server is back online. NFS mounts may need to be refreshed to remove stale mounts.

