CS Network Status

This page lists both active and recently closed CS network alerts. If you would like more information about an alert, or if you have an issue you would like to report, send email to helpdesk [-at-] cs [dot] umd [dot] edu or call extension 52720.

Current Active Alerts

There are no current active alerts. Network operations are normal.

Have an issue that you need to report? Send email to helpdesk [-at-] cs [dot] umd [dot] edu.

Have a question about department IT services? Check out our FAQ.

Past Alerts

Updated Issue Summary Impact
10.23.2022 17:41 Network Maintenance - Expected Connectivity/Packet loss

During the maintenance period, users on the CS network can expect a minimum of two network outages lasting no longer than 2 minutes during the maintenance window. All long-running connections in/out of the datacenter may be dropped. Other intermittent network disruptions of a short duration and packet loss are possible throughout the maintenance window.

10.23.2022 17:08 Network Maintenance - Expected Connectivity/Packet loss

During the maintenance period, users on the CS network can expect a minimum of two network outages lasting no longer than 2 minutes during the maintenance window. All long-running connections in/out of the datacenter may be dropped. Other intermittent network disruptions of a short duration and packet loss are possible throughout the maintenance window.

10.02.2022 23:02 Storage Failover Testing - 10/2

On Sunday, Oct 2nd we will perform a failover test of our network attached storage system during the maintenance period of 2:30pm - 4:00pm. See details in the email sent on September, 22.

10.02.2022 23:01 Old 172.16/12 (172.26,etc) addresses will no longer be routable starting Sunday.

This was previously scheduled for August 15. Old DNS records pointing to these addresses will also be removed. If you need a new IP address, please contact the helpdesk.

09.06.2022 09:27 Tonight's scheduled network maintenance has been postponed.

A new date will be announced soon.

08.03.2022 22:40 Network is stable after unexpected outage - 8/3

We believe all issues from the unexpected network outage between 2:15 PM and 3:10 PM today have been resolved. Please contact the helpdesk if you continue to experience any issues.

07.28.2022 19:45 CS Linux network in stable state

The CS Linux network has been restored to a stable state. We are still going through recovery from the outage and will need to schedule maintanece in the future, however we do not anticipate any more unscheduled downtime.

07.28.2022 19:44 Rescheduled: July 28, 6-8 PM: Activating new 100G uplinks, no impact expected.

Further maintenance windows with short outages will be announced later this summer to complete the migration/upgrade.

07.21.2022 09:53 Postponed: July 21, 6-8 PM: Activating new 100G uplinks, no impact expected.

Further maintenance windows with short outages will be announced later this summer to complete the migration/upgrade.

07.03.2022 16:20 CSD Network Maintenance Sunday 7/3 - Packet loss for UMD and Internet traffic

On Sunday, July 3, between 2 PM and 3 PM, the CS Department will be upgrading network hardware. During the maintenance period, users on the CS network can expect a minimum of two network outages lasting no longer than 2.5 minutes during the maintenance window. All long-running connections in/out of the datacenter may be dropped. Other intermittent network disruptions of a short duration and packet loss are possible throughout the maintenance window.
