CS Network Status

This page lists both active and recently closed CS network alerts. If you would like more information about an alert, or if you have an issue you would like to report, send email to helpdesk [-at-] cs [dot] umd [dot] edu or call extension 52720.

Current Active Alerts

There are no current active alerts. Network operations are normal.

Have an issue that you need to report? Send email to helpdesk [-at-] cs [dot] umd [dot] edu.

Have a question about department IT services? Check out our FAQ.

Past Alerts

Updated Issue Summary Impact
07.04.2023 17:21 NFS server upgrade

07/04 5-9PM - Upgrade NFS server. See details in emails sent on 06/21

06.09.2023 10:48 April 26: Changes to Department VPN - Check FAQ for details

CS IT FAQ - VPN Information

05.01.2023 21:30 Complete Network Outage due to upstream equipment issue

The entire department network was unavailable from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM due to an issue at our upstream network provider. All systems should be functioning normally now.

04.20.2023 09:45 Intermittent Upstream Network Connectivity - started Monday, March 20

Due to a failed router at our upstream network provider, we experienced intermittent network issues on March 20 from around midnight to 2 PM. Our network is currently stable and we do not expect any additional outages, but we are continuing to monitor the situation.

03.21.2023 16:11 Horvitz Cluster Outage - 1.5 hours between 11 AM and 3 PM on 3/21

The Horvitz Cluster will be shut down for about 1.5 hours. All VMs running here will be impacted during this maintenance window. Check your email for more information.

03.21.2023 10:05 Database Maintenance

We are performing database maintenance on our Databases servers. The maintenance window would affect Website access, DHCP and new VPN connections, and Wikis.

02.01.2023 22:28 2/1 10-10:30PM: Replacement of failed network switch

On Wednesday, February 1st at 10:00 PM, we will be replacing a failed network switch. We do not expect a general service disruption. Owners of specific affected servers have been informed individually.

02.01.2023 10:26 Gitlab Security Update still in progress

The Gitlab security update scheduled for last night was not completed on time. Gitlab may be unavaiable for a minute while the upgrade completes.

01.22.2023 14:06 Failover testing completed - contact the helpdesk if you have any network issues None
01.22.2023 14:05 Network Failover Testing - Sunday, Jan 22, 1-8PM

Likely minimal packet loss, possiblility of up to 2.5 minute total outage for all department<->campus traffic (IRB<->datacenter traffic should not be affected).
