CS Network Status

This page lists both active and recently closed CS network alerts. If you would like more information about an alert, or if you have an issue you would like to report, send email to helpdesk [-at-] cs [dot] umd [dot] edu or call extension 52720.

Current Active Alerts

There are no current active alerts. Network operations are normal.

Have an issue that you need to report? Send email to helpdesk [-at-] cs [dot] umd [dot] edu.

Have a question about department IT services? Check out our FAQ.

Past Alerts

Updated Issue Summary Impact
06.26.2022 17:07 CSD Network Maintenance Sunday 6/26 - Completed - Outgoing NAT IPs have changed Light
06.26.2022 17:06 CSD Network Maintenance Sunday 6/26 - Packet loss for outbound IRB traffic

On Sunday, June 26, between 2 PM and 5 PM, the CS Department will be making changes to outgoing NAT which could affect connections from IRB to off-campus network resources.

06.26.2022 17:05 DIT Network Maintenance Saturday 6/25 - wifi/phones outage in IRB/CSIC/AVW

DIT is upgrading UMD building connections to new equipment. There will be a scheduled outage for each campus building when it will lose network connectivity for 15-20 minutes. During this time, Wi-Fi, wired phones, and emergency/PERT phones will be unavailable. This will affect AVW, CSIC, and IRB on Saturday, June 26.

More details on the DIT website.

06.24.2022 11:22 Grades server is being moved to a new IP

If you have  trouble accessing the Grades server, you may need to clear your DNS cache.

03.27.2022 19:47 Network Maintenance - Expected Connectivity/Packet loss

During this period we will restart the server running firewall and NAT as a "best practice" following security updates.

03.22.2022 17:09 MariaDB server migration

We are migrating to a new primary MySQL server. Website access, DHCP, and new VPN connections will be affected during the migration.

03.20.2022 12:43 Grades Server unavailable for short periods

We are investiagating a hardware issue with one of the servers that runs Grades. You may see short periods when the service is not responding.

02.17.2022 11:43 Network Outage - Temporary router failure

An issue with NFS servers and Network routers made most of the servers offline. 

01.19.2022 18:03 Minor updates to CS Network and Web sites - Jan 19, 5:00 pm-6:00 pm

Minor network disruption is expected for CS VPN connection and minor packet loss for off-campus traffic (NAT). Most IRB connections will NOT be impacted. Additionally, most CS websites would be unavailable for a brief of time. 

01.19.2022 14:07 Core Router Firmware Updates - Dec 27, 11:30am-4pm - Minor packet loss possible

All department network traffic will experience minor packet loss. Multiple outages of up to 2.5 minutes may be expected as routing switches from one device to the other. 
