1/27 |
Assignment 0 - Installations |
Programming in Dafny |
Specifications in Dafny |
2/03 |
Hoare Logic |
Hoare Logic (cont) |
2/10 |
Assignment 1 - Dafny Verification |
SNOW DAY (Extended OH) |
From OCaml to Haskell |
2/17 |
Higher Order |
Trees and Folds |
2/24 |
Assignment 2 - Haskell Basics |
Typeclasses |
Parsers |
3/03 |
QuickCheck |
QuickCheck RoundTrip Demo |
3/10 |
Midterm Review |
Midterm 1 |
3/17 |
Spring Break |
Spring Break |
3/24 |
Assignment 3 - MiniDafny Printing and Parsing |
Monads |
State Monad |
3/31 |
Interp Demo |
Monad Transformers |
4/07 |
Assignment 4 - MiniDafny Interpreter |
Parse/Eval Demo |
Recursion Schemes |
4/14 |
Dynamic Programming |
4/21 |
Assignment 5 - MiniDafny Verification Conditions |
Agda Basics |
Z3 |
4/28 |
Midterm 2 |
Lenses |
5/05 |
Final Project |
Build a Game - Snake! |
5/12 |
Final Project Late Deadline |