/** Hoare Triples and Dafny */ /** To verify programs, Dafny relies on the theory of Hoare triples. */ /** A _Hoare triple_ is a claim about the state before and after executing a statement. The standard notation is {P} s {Q} meaning: - If statement s begins execution in a state satisfying assertion P, - and if s eventually terminates in some final state, - then that final state will satisfy the assertion Q. Assertion P is called the _precondition_ of the triple, and Q is the _postcondition_. We have already encountered these notions when specifying Dafny programs: they correspond to the requires and ensures clauses of methods! For example, consider the following Dafny method: */ method Example(x : int) returns (y : int) requires x == 0 ensures y == 1 { y := x + 1; } /* This correctness of this Dafny program stems from the validity of the Hoare triple: { x == 0 } y := x + 1; { y == 1 } This triple states that the statement y := x + 1 would transform a state in which x == 0 to a state in which y == 1. Note that multiple triples can be valid for the same statement; for example, the following triple is also valid: { x == 0 } y := x + 1; { y == 1 && x == 0 } What if our program consists of multiple instructions? */ method Example2(x : int) returns (y : int) requires x == 0 ensures y == 2 { y := x + 1; y := y + 1; } /* The correctness of this Dafny program stems from the validity of the Hoare triple: { x == 0 } y := x + 1; y := y + 1 { y == 2 } Unfortunately, as programs grow larger and more complex, the validity of such triples becomes less and less obvious. Fortunately, Hoare triples were designed to provide a compositional way of reasoning about programs. As we will see, we will be able to break down the validity of a triple about a sequence of instructions to the validity of sequnce of trivial Hoare triples. For this example: { x == 0 } y := x + 1; { y == 1 } y := y + 1; { y == 2 } */ /* QUIZ: Which of the following Hoare triples are valid -- i.e., the claimed relation between P, c, and Q is true? 1) {true} x := 5; {x == 5} 2) {x == 2} x := x + 1; {x == 3} 3) {true} x := 5; y := 0 {x == 5} 4) {x == 2 && x == 3} x := 5 {x == 0} 5) {true} {} {false} 6) {false} {} {true} 7) {true} while true {} {false} 8) {x == 0} while x == 0 { x := x + 1; } {x == 1} 9) {x == 1} while x != 0 { x := x + 1; } {x == 100} */ /* ################################################################# */ /** * Proof Rules If the goal of Hoare logic is to provide a _compositional_ method for proving the validity of specific Hoare triples, we want the structure of a program's correctness proof to mirror the structure of the program itself. To this end, in the sections below, we'll introduce a rule for reasoning about each of the different syntactic forms of statements in Dafny -- one for assignment, one for sequencing, one for conditionals, etc. -- plus a couple of "structural" rules for gluing things together. We will then be able to prove programs correct using these proof rules. */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Empty statement blocks Since empty statement blocks don't change the state, they preserve any assertion P: --------------------- (hoare_skip) { P } {} { P } */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Sequencing If statement s1 takes any state where P holds to a state where Q holds, and if s2 takes any state where Q holds to one where R holds, then doing s1 followed by s2 will take any state where P holds to one where R holds: { P } s1 { Q } { Q } s2 { R } ---------------------- (hoare_seq) { P } s1; s2 { R } */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Assignment The rule for assignment is the most fundamental of the Hoare logic proof rules. Here's how it works. Consider this incomplete Hoare triple: { ??? } x := y { x == 1 } We want to assign y to x and finish in a state where x is 1. What could the precondition be? One possibility is y == 1, because if y is already 1 then assigning it to x causes x to be 1. That leads to a valid Hoare triple: { y == 1 } x := y { x == 1 } It may seem as though coming up with that precondition must have taken some clever thought. But there is a mechanical way we could have done it: if we take the postcondition x == 1 and in it replace x with y---that is, replace the left-hand side of the assignment statement with the right-hand side---we get the precondition, y == 1. That same idea works in more complicated cases. For example: { ??? } x := x + y { x == 1 } If we replace the x in x == 1 with x + y, we get x + y == 1. That again leads to a valid Hoare triple: { x + y == 1 } x := x + y { x == 1 } Why does this technique work? The postcondition identifies some property P that we want to hold of the variable x being assigned. In this case, P is "equals 1". To complete the triple and make it valid, we need to identify a precondition that guarantees that property will hold of x. Such a precondition must ensure that the same property holds of _whatever is being assigned to_ x. So, in the example, we need "equals 1" to hold of x + y. That's exactly what the technique guarantees. In general, the postcondition could be some arbitrary assertion Q, and the right-hand side of the assignment could be some arbitrary arithmetic expression a: { ??? } x := a { Q } The precondition would then be Q, but with any occurrences of x in it replaced by a. Let's introduce a notation for this idea of replacing occurrences: Define Q[a/x] to mean "Q where a is substituted in place of x". This yields the Hoare logic rule for assignment: ---------------------------- (hoare_asgn) { Q[a/x] } x := a { Q } One way of reading this rule is: If you want statement x := a to terminate in a state that satisfies assertion Q, then it suffices to start in a state that also satisfies Q, except where a is substituted for every occurrence of x. To many people, this rule seems "backwards" at first, because it proceeds from the postcondition to the precondition. Actually it makes good sense to go in this direction: the postcondition is often what is more important, because it characterizes what we can assume afer running the code. */ /** Here are some valid instances of the assignment rule: { x + 1 <= 5 } x := x + 1 { x <= 5 } { (x == 3) [3/x] } (that is, 3 == 3) x := 3 { x = 3 } */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Consequence Sometimes the preconditions and postconditions we get from the Hoare rules won't quite be the ones we want in the particular situation at hand -- they may be logically equivalent but have a different syntactic form that fails to unify with the goal we are trying to prove, or they actually may be logically weaker (for preconditions) or stronger (for postconditions) than what we need. For instance, {3 == 3} x := 3 {x == 3}, follows directly from the assignment rule, but {true} x := 3 {x == 3} does not. This triple is valid, but it is not an instance of [hoare_asgn] because true and (x == 3) [3/x] are not syntactically equal assertions. However, they are logically _equivalent_, so if one triple is valid, then the other must certainly be as well. We can capture this observation with the following rule: {P'} s {Q} P <==> P' ------------------------- (hoare_consequence_pre_equiv) {P} s {Q} Taking this line of thought a bit further, we can see that strengthening the precondition or weakening the postcondition of a valid triple always produces another valid triple. This observation is captured by two _Rules of Consequence_. {P'} c {Q} P ==> P' ----------------------------- (hoare_consequence_pre) {P} s {Q} {P} s {Q'} Q' ==> Q ----------------------------- (hoare_consequence_post) {P} s {Q} */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Conditionals What sort of rule do we want for reasoning about conditional statements? Certainly, if the same assertion Q holds after executing either of the branches, then it holds after the whole conditional. So we might be tempted to write: {P} s1 {Q} {P} s2 {Q} --------------------------------- {P} if b { s1 } else { s2 } {Q} However, this is rather weak. For example, using this rule, we cannot show { true } if x <= 0 { y := 2 } else { y := x + 1 } { x <= y } since the rule tells us nothing about the state in which the assignments take place in the "then" and "else" branches. Fortunately, we can say something more precise. In the "then" branch, we know that the boolean expression b evaluates to true, and in the "else" branch, we know it evaluates to false. Making this information available in the premises of the rule gives us more information to work with when reasoning about the behavior of s1 and s2 (i.e., the reasons why they establish the postcondition Q). {P && b} s1 {Q} {P && !b} s2 {Q} ---------------------------------------- (hoare_if) {P} if b { s1 } else { s2 } {Q} */ /* In class: What would a hoare rule for 1-sided conditionals look like? Fill in the following rule. */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** While Loops The Hoare rule for while loops is based on the idea of an _invariant_: an assertion whose truth is guaranteed before and after executing a statement. An assertion P is an invariant of s if {P} s {P} holds. Note that in the middle of executing s, the invariant might temporarily become false, but by the end of s, it must be restored. As a first attempt at a [while] rule, we could try: {P} s {P} --------------------- {P} while b { s } {P} That rule is valid: if P is an invariant of s, as the premise requires, then no matter how many times the loop body executes, s is going to be true when the loop finally finishes. But the rule also omits two crucial pieces of information. First, the loop terminates when b becomes false. So we can strengthen the postcondition in the conclusion: {P} s {P} --------------------------- {P} while b { s } {P && !b} Second, the loop body will be executed only if [b] is true. So we can also strengthen the precondition in the premise: {P && b} s {P} --------------------------- (hoare_while) {P} while b { s } {P && !b} That is the Hoare [while] rule. Note how it combines aspects of empty blocks and conditionals: - If the loop body executes zero times, the rule is like an empty block in that the precondition survives to become (part of) the postcondition. - Like a conditional, we can assume guard b holds on entry to the substatement */ /* ################################################################# */ /** * Decorated Programs */ /** The beauty of Hoare Logic is that it is _structure-guided_: the structure of proofs exactly follows the structure of programs. We can record the essential ideas of a Hoare-logic proof -- omitting low-level calculational details -- by "decorating" a program with appropriate assertions on each of its commands. Such a _decorated program_ carries within itself an argument for its own correctness. For example, consider the program: */ method LoopToZero_1(m : int, p : int) returns (x: int, z: int) { x := m; z := p; while x > 0 { z := z - 1; x := x - 1; } } /* Here is one possible specification for this program, in the form of a Hoare triple: { m >= 0 } x := m; z := p; while x > 0 { z := z - 1; x := x - 1; } { z == p - m } and here is the equivalent specification in terms of Dafny's _requires_ and _ensures_ syntax (of course, Dafny can't prove this without an invariant annotation): */ method LoopToZero_2(m : int, p : int) returns (x: int, z: int) requires m >= 0 ensures z == p - m { x := m; z := p; while x > 0 invariant x >= 0 && z - x == p - m { z := z - 1; x := x - 1; } } /** Here is a decorated version of this program, embodying a proof of this specification: */ method LoopToZero_3(m : int, p : int) returns (x: int, z: int) { // { m >= 0 } -> // { m >= 0 && p - m == p - m } x := m; // { x >= 0 && p - x == p - m } z := p; // { x >= 0 && z - x == p - m } while x > 0 { // { x >= 0 z - x == p - m && x > 0 } -> // { x - 1 >= 0 && (z - 1) - (x - 1) == p - m } z := z - 1; // { x - 1 >= 0 && z - (x - 1) == p - m } x := x - 1; // { x >= 0 && z - x == p - m } } // { x >= 0 && z - x == p - m && !(x > 0) } -> // { z == p - m } } /** That is, a decorated program consists of the program's text interleaved with assertions (sometimes multiple assertions separated by implications). A decorated program can be viewed as a compact representation of a proof in Hoare Logic: the assertions surrounding each command specify the Hoare triple to be proved for that part of the program using one of the Hoare Logic rules, and the structure of the program itself shows how to assemble all these individual steps into a proof for the whole program. Dafny's goal is to verify such decorated programs "mostly automatically." But, before we can verify anything, we need to be able to _find_ a proof for a given specification, and for this we need to discover the right assertions. This can be done in an almost mechanical way, with the exception of finding loop invariants. We'll first explain in detail how to construct decorations for several short programs, all of which are loop-free or have simple loop invariants. We'll return to finding more interesting loop invariants later. */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Example: Swapping Consider the following program, which swaps the values of two variables using addition and subtraction (instead of by assigning to a temporary variable). x := x + y; y := x - y; x := x - y We can give a proof, in the form of decorations, that this program is correct -- i.e., it really swaps x and y -- as follows. (1) { x == m && y == n } -> (2) { (x + y) - ((x + y) - y) == n && (x + y) - y == m } x := x + y; (3) { x - (x - y) == n && x - y == m } y := x - y; (4) { x - y == n && y == m } x := x - y (5) { x == n && y == m } The decorations can be constructed as follows: - We begin with the undecorated program (the unnumbered lines). - We add the specification -- i.e., the outer precondition (1) and postcondition (5). In the precondition, we use parameters m and n to remember the initial values of variables x and y so that we can refer to them in the postcondition (5). - We work backwards, mechanically, starting from (5) and proceeding until we get to (2). At each step, we obtain the precondition of the assignment from its postcondition by substituting the assigned variable with the right-hand-side of the assignment. For instance, we obtain (4) by substituting x with x - y in (5), and we obtain (3) by substituting y with x - y in (4). Finally, we verify that (1) logically implies (2) -- i.e., that the step from (1) to (2) is a valid use of the law of consequence -- by doing a bit of high-school algebra. */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Example: Simple Conditionals Here is a simple program using conditionals, assuming x, y, and z are natural numbers (as in: non-negative integers): */ method simpleIf(x:nat, y:nat) returns (z:nat) ensures z + x == y || z + y == x { if x <= y { z := y - x; } else { z := x - y; } } /* Here is a decorated version of the same program: (1) { true } if x <= y { (2) { true && x <= y } -> (3) { (y - x) + x == y || (y - x) + y == x } z := y - x (4) { z + x == y || z + y == x } } else { (5) { true && ~(x <= y) } -> (6) { (x - y) + x == y || (x - y) + y = x } z := x - y (7) { z + x = y || z + y = x } } (8) { z + x = y || z + y = x } These decorations can be constructed as follows: - We start with the outer precondition (1) and postcondition (8). - Following the format dictated by the [hoare_if] rule, we copy the postcondition (8) to (4) and (7). We conjoin the precondition (1) with the guard of the conditional to obtain (2). We conjoin (1) with the negated guard of the conditional to obtain (5). - In order to use the assignment rule and obtain (3), we substitute z by y - x in (4). To obtain (6) we substitute z by x - y in (7). - Finally, we verify that (2) implies (3) and (5) implies (6). Both of these implications crucially depend on the ordering of x and y obtained from the guard. For instance, knowing that x <= y ensures that subtracting x from y and then adding back x produces y, as required by the first disjunct of (3). Similarly, knowing that !(x <= y)] ensures that subtracting y from x and then adding back y produces x, as needed by the second disjunct of (6). Note that n - m + m = n does _not_ hold for arbitrary natural numbers n and m (Dafny, in particular, won't even let you perform a subtraction that would get you in the negatives) */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Example: Reduce to Zero Here is a while loop that is so simple that true suffices as a loop invariant when x is a nat - that is, Dafny doesn't even need an invariant annotation to verify it (why?) */ method LoopToZero_Simple(n : nat) returns (x : nat) ensures x == 0 { x := n; while x > 0 invariant true { x := x - 1; } } /* Here is it's annotated version: (1) {true} while x > 0 { (2) { true && x > 0 } -> (3) { true } x := x - 1 (4) { true } } (5) { true && !(x > 0) } -> (6) { x = 0 } The decorations can be constructed as follows: - Start with the outer precondition (1) and postcondition (6). - Following the format dictated by the [hoare_while] rule, we copy (1) to (4). We conjoin (1) with the guard to obtain (2). We also conjoin (1) with the negation of the guard to obtain (5). - Because the final postcondition (6) does not syntactically match (5), we add an implication between them. - Using the assignment rule with assertion (4), we trivially substitute and obtain assertion (3). - We add the implication between (2) and (3). Finally we check that the implications do hold; both are trivial. */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Example: Division Let's do one more example of simple reasoning about a loop. The following program calculates the integer quotient and remainder of parameters m and n. (Dafny complains about the invariant and the loop's termination. How would you fix the latter?) */ /* method QuotDiv (m : int, n : int) returns (x : int, y : int) { x := m; y := 0; while n <= x { x := x - n; y := y + 1; } }*/ /* If we execute this program, it will terminate with the variable x set to the remainder when m is divided by n and y set to the quotient. In order to give a specification to this program we need to remember that dividing m by n produces a remainder x and a quotient y such that n * y + x == m && x < n]. It turns out that we get lucky with this program and don't have to think very hard about the loop invariant: the invariant is just the first conjunct, [n * y + x == m], and we can use this to decorate the program. (1) { true } -> (2) { n * 0 + m == m } x := m; (3) { n * 0 + x == m } y := 0; (4) { n * y + x == m } while n <= x { (5) { n * y + x == m && n <= x } -> (6) { n * (y + 1) + (x - n) == m } x := x - n; (7) { n * (y + 1) + x == m } y := y + 1; (8) { n * y + x == m } } (9) { n * y + x == m && !(n <= x) } -> (10) { n * y + x == m && x < n } Assertions (4), (5), (8), and (9) are derived mechanically from the invariant and the loop's guard. Assertions (8), (7), and (6) are derived using the assignment rule going backwards from (8) to (6). Assertions (4), (3), and (2) are again backwards applications of the assignment rule. Now that we've decorated the program it only remains to check that the uses of the consequence rule are correct -- i.e., that (1) implies (2), that (5) implies (6), and that (9) implies (10). This is indeed the case: - (1) -> (2): trivial, by algebra. - (5) -> (6): because [n <= x], we are guaranteed that the subtraction in (6) does not get zero-truncated. We can therefore rewrite (6) as [n * y + n + x - n] and cancel the ns, which results in the left conjunct of (5). - (9) -> (10): if [!(n <= x)] then [x < n]. That's straightforward from high-school algebra. So, we have a valid decorated program. */ /* ################################################################# */ /** * Finding Loop Invariants Once the outermost precondition and postcondition are chosen, the only creative part of a verifying program using Hoare Logic is finding the right loop invariants. The reason this is difficult is the same as the reason that inductive mathematical proofs are: - Strengthening a _loop invariant_ means that you have a stronger assumption to work with when trying to establish the postcondition of the loop body, but it also means that the loop body's postcondition is stronger and thus harder to prove. - Strengthening an _induction hypothesis_ means that you have a stronger assumption to work with when trying to complete the induction step of the proof, but it also means that the statement being proved inductively is stronger and thus harder to prove. This section explains how to approach the challenge of finding loop invariants through a series of examples and exercises. */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Example: Slow Subtraction The following program subtracts the value of x from the value of y by repeatedly decrementing both x and y. We want to verify its correctness with respect to the pre- and post-conditions shown: { x == m && y == n } while !(x == 0) do y := y - 1; x := x - 1; end { y == n - m } To verify this program, we need to find an invariant [Inv] for the loop. As a first step we can leave [Inv] as an unknown and build a _skeleton_ for the proof by applying the rules for local consistency, working from the end of the program to the beginning, as usual, and without any thinking at all yet. */ /** This leads to the following skeleton: (1) { x == m && y == n } -> (a) (2) { Inv } while x > 0 {} (3) { Inv && x > 0 } -> (c) (4) { Inv [x := x-1] [y := y-1] } y := y - 1; (5) { Inv [x := x-1] } x := x - 1 (6) { Inv } } (7) { Inv && !(x > 0) } -> (b) (8) { y == n - m } By examining this skeleton, we can see that any valid [Inv] will have to respect three conditions: - (a) it must be _weak_ enough to be implied by the loop's precondition, i.e., (1) must imply (2); - (b) it must be _strong_ enough to imply the program's postcondition, i.e., (7) must imply (8); - (c) it must be _preserved_ by each iteration of the loop (given that the loop guard evaluates to true), i.e., (3) must imply (4). These conditions are actually independent of the particular program and specification we are considering: every loop invariant has to satisfy them. One way to find an invariant that simultaneously satisfies these three conditions is by using an iterative process: start with a "candidate" invariant (e.g., a guess or a heuristic choice) and check the three conditions above; if any of the checks fails, try to use the information that we get from the failure to produce another -- hopefully better -- candidate invariant, and repeat. For instance, in the reduce-to-zero example above, we saw that, for a very simple loop, choosing [true] as an invariant did the job. Maybe it will work here too. To find out, let's try instantiating [Inv] with [true] in the skeleton above and see what we get... (1) { x == m && y == n } -> (a - OK) (2) { true } while x > 0 {} (3) { true && x > 0 } -> (c - OK) (4) { true } y := y - 1; (5) { true } x := x - 1 (6) { true } } (7) { true && !(x > 0) } -> (b - WRONG!) (8) { y == n - m } While conditions (a) and (c) are trivially satisfied, (b) is wrong: it is not the case that [true && !(x > 0)] (7) implies [y == n - m] (8). In fact, the two assertions are completely unrelated, so it is very easy to find a counterexample to the implication (say, [y = x = m = 0] and [n = 1]). If we want (b) to hold, we need to strengthen the invariant so that it implies the postcondition (8). One simple way to do this is to let the invariant _be_ the postcondition. So let's return to our skeleton, instantiate [Inv] with [y == n - m], and try checking conditions (a) to (c) again. (1) { x == m && y == n } -> (a - WRONG!) (2) { y == n - m } while x > 0 do (3) { y == n - m && x > 0 } -> (c - WRONG!) (4) { y - 1 == n - m } y := y - 1; (5) { y == n - m } x := x - 1 (6) { y == n - m } } (7) { y == n - m && !(x > 0) } -> (b - OK) (8) { y == n - m } This time, condition (b) holds trivially, but (a) and (c) are broken. Condition (a) requires that (1) [x == m && y == n] implies (2) [y == n - m]. If we substitute y by n we have to show that [n == n - m] for arbitrary m and n, which is not the case (for instance, when m = n = 1). Condition (c) requires that [n - m - 1 == n - m], which fails, for instance, for n = 1 and m = 0. So, although [y == n - m] holds at the end of the loop, it does not hold from the start, and it doesn't hold on each iteration; it is not a correct invariant. This failure is not very surprising: the variable y changes during the loop, while m and n are constant, so the assertion we chose didn't have much chance of being an invariant! To do better, we need to generalize (7) to some statement that is equivalent to (8) when x is 0, since this will be the case when the loop terminates, and that "fills the gap" in some appropriate way when x is nonzero. Looking at how the loop works, we can observe that x and y are decremented together until x reaches 0. So, if [x == 2] and [y == 5] initially, after one iteration of the loop we obtain [x == 1] and [y == 4]; after two iterations [x == 0] and [y == 3]; and then the loop stops. Notice that the difference between y and x stays constant between iterations: initially, [y == n] and [x == m], and the difference is always (n - m). So let's try instantiating [Inv] in the skeleton above with [y - x == n - m]. (1) { x == m && y == n } -> (a - OK) (2) { y - x == n - m } while x > 0 { (3) { y - x == n - m && x > 0 } -> (c - OK) (4) { (y - 1) - (x - 1) == n - m } y := y - 1; (5) { y - (x - 1) = n - m } x := x - 1 (6) { y - x == n - m } } (7) { y - x == n - m && !(x > 0) } -> (b - OK?) (8) { y = n - m } Success? If everything is a natural number conditions (a), (b) and (c) all hold now; However, the same is not true if everything is an integer, as !(x > 0) does not imply x = 0! In that case, we would need to further strengthen the invariant to include that x >= 0 (assuming that's the case to begin with): (1) { m >= 0 && n >= 0 && x == m && y == n } -> (a - OK) (2) { y - x == n - m } while x > 0 { (3) { x >= 0 && y - x == n - m && x > 0 } -> (c - OK) (4) { (x - 1) >= 0 && (y - 1) - (x - 1) == n - m } y := y - 1; (5) { (x - 1) >= 0 && y - (x - 1) = n - m } x := x - 1 (6) { x >= 0 && y - x == n - m } } (7) { x >= 0 && y - x == n - m && !(x > 0) } -> (b - OK) (8) { y = n - m } */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Exercise: Slow Assignment A roundabout way of assigning a number currently stored in x to the variable y is to start y at 0, then decrement x until it hits 0, incrementing y at each step. Here is a program that implements this idea. Fill in decorations. (IN CLASS) { x == m } -> { } y := 0; { } while x > 0 { { } -> { } x := x - 1; { } y := y + 1; { } } { } -> { y == m } */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Example: Parity Here is a cute way of computing the parity of a value initially stored in x, due to Daniel Cristofani. { x == m } while 2 <= x do x := x - 2 end { x = parity m } The parity function used in the specification is defined in as follows: */ function parity(x:nat): nat { match x case 0 => 0 case 1 => 1 case _ => parity (x - 2) } method compute_parity(m:nat) returns (x:nat) // requires true // ensures (x == parity(m)) { // { true } ==> // { } x := m; // { } while 2 <= x { // { } ==> // { } x := x - 2; // { } } // { } ==> // { x == parity(m) } } /** The postcondition does not hold at the beginning of the loop, since [m == parity m] does not hold for an arbitrary m, so we cannot hope to use that as an invariant. To find an invariant that works, let's think a bit about what this loop does. On each iteration it decrements x by 2, which preserves the parity of x. So the parity of x does not change, i.e., it is invariant. The initial value of x is m, so the parity of x is always equal to the parity of m. Using [parity x == parity m] as an invariant we obtain the following decorated program: { x == m } -> (a - OK) { parity x == parity m } while 2 <= x do { parity x == parity m && 2 <= x } -> (c - OK) { parity (x-2) == parity m } x := x - 2 { parity x == parity m } end { parity x == parity m && !(2 <= x) } -> (b - OK) { x == parity m } With this invariant, conditions (a), (b), and (c) are all satisfied. For verifying (b), we observe that, when [x < 2], we have [parity x = x] (we can easily see this in the definition of [parity]). For verifying (c), we observe that, when [2 <= x], we have [parity x = parity (x-2)]. */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Example: Finding Square Roots The following program computes the integer square root of x by naive iteration: { x == m } z := 0; while (z+1)*(z+1) <= x { z := z+1 } { z*z<=m && m<(z+1)*(z+1) } As we did before, we can try to use the postcondition as a candidate invariant, obtaining the following decorated program: (1) { x==m } -> (a - second conjunct of (2) WRONG!) (2) { 0*0 <= m && m<(0+1)*(0+1) } z := 0 (3) { z*z <= m && m<(z+1)*(z+1) }; while (z+1)*(z+1) <= x { (4) { z*z<=m && m<(z+1)*(z+1) && (z+1)*(z+1)<=x } ->> (c - WRONG!) (5) { (z+1)*(z+1)<=m && m<((z+1)+1)*((z+1)+1) } z := z+1 (6) { z*z<=m && m<(z+1)*(z+1) } } (7) { z*z<=m && m<(z+1)*(z+1) && !((z+1)*(z+1)<=x) } ->> (b - OK) (8) { z*z<=m && m<(z+1)*(z+1) } This didn't work very well: conditions (a) and (c) both failed. Looking at condition (c), we see that the second conjunct of (4) is almost the same as the first conjunct of (5), except that (4) mentions x while (5) mentions m. But note that x is never assigned in this program, so we should always have x=m. We didn't propagate this information from (1) into the loop invariant, but we could! Also, we don't need the second conjunct of (8), since we can obtain it from the negation of the guard -- the third conjunct in (7) -- again under the assumption that [x==m]. This allows us to simplify a bit. So we now try [x==m && z*z <= m] as the loop invariant: { x==m } -> (a - OK) { x==m && 0*0 <= m } z := 0 { x==m && z*z <= m }; while (z+1)*(z+1) <= x do { x==m && z*z<=m && (z+1)*(z+1)<=x } -> (c - OK) { x==m && (z+1)*(z+1)<=m } z := z + 1 { x==m && z*z<=m } end { x=m && z*z<=m && ~((z+1)*(z+1)<=x) } -> (b - OK) { z*z<=m && m<(z+1)*(z+1) } This works, since conditions (a), (b), and (c) are now all trivially satisfied. Very often, when a variable is used in a loop in a read-only fashion (i.e., it is referred to by the program or by the specification and it is not changed by the loop), it is necessary to record the fact that it doesn't change in the loop invariant. */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Example: Squaring Here is a program that squares x by repeated addition: { x == m } y := 0; z := 0; while y != x { z := z + x; y := y + 1 } { z == m*m } */ /** The first thing to note is that the loop reads x but doesn't change its value. As we saw in the previous example, it can be a good idea in such cases to add x == m to the invariant. The other thing that we know is often useful in the invariant is the postcondition, so let's add that too, leading to the candidate invariant [z == m * m && x == m]. { x == m } -> (a - WRONG) { 0 == m*m && x == m } y := 0 { 0 == m*m && x == m }; z := 0 { z == m*m && x == m }; while y != x { { z == m*m && x == m && y != x } -> (c - WRONG) { z+x == m*m && x == m } z := z + x { z == m*m && x = m }; y := y + 1 { z == m*m && x == m } } { z == m*m && x == m && !(y != x) } -> (b - OK) { z == m*m } Conditions (a) and (c) fail because of the [z = m*m] part. While [z] starts at [0] and works itself up to [m*m], we can't expect [z] to be [m*m] from the start. If we look at how [z] progresses in the loop, after the 1st iteration [z = m], after the 2nd iteration [z = 2*m], and at the end [z = m*m]. Since the variable [y] tracks how many times we go through the loop, this leads us to derive a new invariant candidate: [z == y*m && x == m]. { x == m } -> (a - OK) { 0 == 0*m && x == m } y := 0 { 0 == y*m && x == m }; z := 0 { z == y*m && x == m }; while y != x { { z == y*m && x == m && y != x } -> (c - OK) { z+x == (y+1)*m && x == m } z := z + x { z == (y+1)*m && x = m }; y := y + 1 { z == y*m && x == m } } { z == y*m && x == m && !(y != x) } ->> (b - OK) { z == m*m } This new invariant makes the proof go through: all three conditions are easy to check. It is worth comparing the postcondition [z == m*m] and the [z == y*m] conjunct of the invariant. It is often the case that one has to replace parameters with variables -- or with expressions involving both variables and parameters, like [m - y] -- when going from postconditions to invariants. */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Exercise: Factorial Recall that n! denotes the factorial of n (i.e., n! = 1*2*...*n). We can easily define it in Dafny as follows: */ function fact (n : nat) : nat { match n case 0 => 1 case _ => n * (fact(n-1)) } /* First, write the imperative Dafny program [factorial] that calculates the factorial of the number initially stored in the variable x and puts it in the variable y. */ method factorial(n:nat) returns (x:nat) requires true ensures (x == fact(n)) { var i := n; x := 1; while (i > 0) invariant true { x := x * i; i := i - 1; } } /** Using your definition [factorial], write a decorated program that implements the factorial function. */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Exercise: Minimum { true } -> { FILL_IN_HERE } x := a { FILL_IN_HERE }; y := b { FILL_IN_HERE }; z := 0 { FILL_IN_HERE }; while x != 0 && y != 0 { { FILL_IN_HERE } -> { FILL_IN_HERE } x := x - 1 { FILL_IN_HERE }; y := y - 1 { FILL_IN_HERE }; z := z + 1 { FILL_IN_HERE } } { FILL_IN_HERE } -> { z == min a b } */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Exercise: Two Loops Here is a pretty inefficient way of adding 3 numbers: x := 0; y := 0; z := c; while x != a { x := x + 1; z := z + 1 }; while y <> b { y := y + 1; z := z + 1 } Show that it does what it should by completing the following decorated program. Definition two_loops_dec (a b c : nat) : decorated := <{ { true } ->> { FILL_IN_HERE } x := 0 { FILL_IN_HERE }; y := 0 { FILL_IN_HERE }; z := c { FILL_IN_HERE }; while x != a { { FILL_IN_HERE } ->> { FILL_IN_HERE } x := x + 1 { FILL_IN_HERE }; z := z + 1 { FILL_IN_HERE } end { FILL_IN_HERE } ->> { FILL_IN_HERE }; while y != b { { FILL_IN_HERE } ->> { FILL_IN_HERE } y := y + 1 { FILL_IN_HERE }; z := z + 1 { FILL_IN_HERE } } { FILL_IN_HERE } ->> { z == a + b + c } */ /* ================================================================= */ /** ** Exercise: Power Series Here is a program that computes the series: [1 + 2 + 2^2 + ... + 2^m = 2^(m+1) - 1] x := 0; y := 1; z := 1; while x != m { z := 2 * z; y := y + z; x := x + 1; } end Turn this into a decorated program and prove it correct. */ function pow2(n : nat) : nat { match n case 0 => 1 case _ => 2 * (pow2 (n-1)) } /* { true } -> { FILL_IN_HERE } x := 0 { FILL_IN_HERE }; y := 1 { FILL_IN_HERE }; z := 1 { FILL_IN_HERE }; while x != n { { FILL_IN_HERE } -> { FILL_IN_HERE } z := 2 * z { FILL_IN_HERE }; y := y + z { FILL_IN_HERE }; x := x + 1 { FILL_IN_HERE } } { FILL_IN_HERE } -> { y == pow2 (n+1) - 1 } */