Assignment 0 - Installations!


In this project you will install software for the programming projects in this class.


Fri. 2025-01-31 11:59:59 pm Perfect Score: 20 points

You will submit your solutions to this project on Gradescope.

Parts of the assignment.

Install Dafny

Directions may be found on the CMSC 433 Dafny part of the Resources page. You should install Dafny and set up an Interactive Development Environment (IDE) to use with it, then run the test program to confirm that your installation succeeded. (You should see “Hello world!” printed out.)

Install Haskell

Directions may be found the CMSC 433 Haskell part of the Resources page. You should install Haskell and (optionally) IDE support, and then run stack new and stack run.


You must fill the two textbox fields on Gradescope with your “solutions” to each of the two parts above. A “solution” in this case can either be just “Installation succeeded” or a “Had some difficulty.” In the latter case, a brief description of the issues you encountered would be greatly appreciated. Please note: you will not lose any points if you had difficulties with the installation process! Scanned, hand-written solutions are also perfectly acceptable.