Assignments + Final Project
- Assignment 0: Software Installation - Due Friday, January 31st
- Assignment 1: Dafny Verification - Due Friday, February 14th
- Assignment 2: Haskell Basics - Due Friday, February 28th
- Assignment 3: MiniDafny - Printing - Due Friday, March 7th
- Assignment 4: MiniDafny - Parsing - Due Friday, March 14th
- Assignment 5: MiniDafny - Interpreter - Due Friday, April 4th
- Assignment 6: MiniDafny - Verification Conditions - Due Friday, April 19th
The exact details of these assignments, including their number/topic are subject to change. This is a rough outline of the plan before the semester starts.
Final Project
The final project will be to combine assignments 4,5, and 6, and add Z3 integration in order to be able to verify a subset of Dafny programs.