Picture of a big chip Dr. Hugue's CMSC 411 Class Website

Worksheets/Handouts | Sample Quizzes | Sample Midterms | Sample Finals | Code Timing Examples

For several of the files available on this page you will need a postscript interpreter. GSview provides this capability for Windows machines, OS/2, DEC Alpha machines, and UNIX/X11 boxes.

Chapter Summaries[top]


Sample Quizzes[top]

Sample Midterms[top]



Pipeline Timing Charts and Code Sequence Tables[top]

  • ILP, loop unrolling, scoreboard: ps, pdf, ppt, ppt (Office 98)
  • ILP, Tomasulo , Dynamic Branch Prediction: ps, pdf, ppt, (ppt Office 98)
  • Refer to the above ILP docs for a better look at scoreboard and tomasulo code timing examples that are demonstrated in the text. These are from Dr. Patterson's Lecture Notes which are all available in postscript, pdf, and powerpoint formats. Postscript files are good for printing, but pdf and ppt files are usually better for viewing on the screen, particularly since he uses color in those to highlight relationships. 

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    This page, all problem sets, and exams linked to it are copyrighted. Use of these pages for the CMSC411 class at the University of Maryland is permitted. Any other use requires the permission of the author ( Dr. Michelle Hugue).
    last updated: 08/07/2008 16:39:00
    Maintained by: MMHugue