Picture of a big chip Dr. Hugue's CMSC 411 Class Website
Home Page (instructor and ta email addresses and office locations and hours)
Announcements (new and important class-related news)
Administrivia (grading policy, class account rules)
Grades (What you have been waiting for)
Class Schedule (what and when)
Assignments (homeworks, projects, quizzes)
Study Guides (worksheets, sample exams, code timing examples)
Tutorials/FAQs (references, lecture notes, student projects)
General Resources
Computer Design Fundamentals
Pipelining Techniques
Memory Hierarchy and Cache
Storage Systems
Instruction Set Architectures in Action
Links' Page (other helpful misc. links)
CMSC 311 technical links
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This page, all problem sets, and exams linked to it are copyrighted. Use of these pages for the CMSC411 class at the University of Maryland is permitted. Any other use requires the permission of the author ( Dr. Michelle Hugue).

Maintained by: MMHugue