CMSC335 (Spring 2025): Web Application Development with JavaScript (Schedule)

Lecture Videos


&npsb;Week  Topics Slides (for videos see info at the top) Work
Week #1
(Jan 27)
Course Introduction, Fundamentals, HTML5 CourseIntro.pdf Fundamentals.pdf HTMLI.pdf
Week #2
(Feb 3)
HTML5, CSS, Web Servers, Forms HTMLII.pdf CSSI.pdf P1 Out (Thu)
Week #3
(Feb 10)
Get vs. Post P1 Due (Thu)
P2 Out (Thu)
Week #4
(Feb 17)
JS Data Types, Variables, Expressions, Strict Mode, let/const, console, Functions, String methods, Array methods, let/const, typeof, Hoisting, Scope, for..of,, Template Literals, Debugging P2 Due (Thu)
Week #5
(Feb 24)
Truthy vs. Falsy, Sorting, Numeric values, Arrow Functions, Events-Driven Programming I (Adding functionality to buttons, getting data from text fields), Animations, Inner HTML, JSON, Fetch, CORS P3 Out (Thu)
Week #6
(Mar 3)
Errors, Default Parameters, Rest Operator, Spread Operator, Destructuring, Additional Array Methods, Sets, Maps, IIFE, Form Validation, Class definition using class, Promises P3 Due (Thu)
Week #7
(Mar 10)
Chaining Operator(?), Logical or/and operators, Coalescing Operator, Sealing/Freezing Objects, Function Context, Accessing Form Data Using JS, Event Propagation, Object Type Exam #1 (Tue)
Spring Break 2025 (Mar 16 → Mar 23)
Week #8
(Mar 24)
Promises, Node.js, Event Loop, Express, View/Templating Engines P4 Out (Thu)
Week #9
(Mar 31)
Express Router, Cookies, Sessions, Modules P4 Due (Thu)
P5 Out (Thu)
Week #10
(Apr 7)
LocalStorage, Generators, Regular Expressions, eval() Exam #2 (Tue)
Week #11
(Apr 14)
Relational Databases, MongoDB, Prototype Chain, Custom Type Definition without class P5 Due (Tue)
P6 Out (Thu)
Week #12
(Apr 21)
fetch in Node.js, Sending Email with Node.js, Password Hashing, HTML APIs (Canvas, Geolocation API, FileReader API, Sound) P6 Due (Thu)
Week #13
(Apr 28)
React Intro, Ajax Exam #3 (Tue)
Week #14
(May 5)
Week #15
(May 12)
Miscellaneous Last Day of Classes
(Tue, May 13)
Week #16
(May 19)
Final Exam (Group Project) Due
(Mon, May 19, 12:30 pm)

Web Accessibility