CMSC335 (Spring 2025): Web Application Development with JavaScript (Office Hours)

Name Office Number Office Hours
Nelson Padua-Perez IRB 2210 Tue and Thu, from 11:30 am to 1 pm, in Nelson's office (IRB 2210)
Note: Do not use Quuly to see Nelson. Feel free to stop by during office hours for projects help, general questions, anything.
TA Office Hours

TAs will hold office hours in the Iribe building (second floor, same floor where Nelson's office is located). Once you get off the elevator, make a left and you will see the designated area. The following is photo of the TA office hours space: TAOfficeHoursSpaceIribe.png.

Which TA Can You Visit

You can get assistance from any of the TAs posted on the schedule below.


We will use Quuly for students to see a TA during office hours. Information how to register can be found at Quuly Sign up. To request help during office hours, follow the instructions provided at Requesting Help.

You Must Add Your Email Address

Important: In order for you to access the Quuly queue, you need to have an email address in Quuly. You can add/update your email address by using the Quuly “My Account” view.

Enable Notifications

We want to make sure a TA can help you immediately after you are selected from the Quuly queue.  Make sure you have Quuly notifications enabled. There is a separate desktop notification that is issued if one gives Quuly permission to send notifications to your desktop. To enable those in Chrome, one can click the lock icon and make sure notifications are set to "Allow".

When to Join the Quuly Queue

Please only join the Quuly queue during office hours or 5 minutes (no more than 5 minutes) before an office hour period starts, otherwise you will be removed from the queue without receiving assistance.

Time and Tokens Per Student

TAs will spend around 10 minutes per student if other students are waiting. If there is no other student waiting you can spend as much time as needed. There is a limit of three daily visits per student.

For Virtual (Online) Office Hours

We have a limited number of virtual/online office hours. We have them mainly for students that are sick, but everyone is welcome to attend them. If you are on campus, or can easily visit a TA in person, please do so. It will helps us a lot :). When using online office hours, follow the instructions below:

  1. Add yourself to the Quuly queue.
  2. Look at the office hours schedule and see which TA is holding office hours online. Using the appropriate TA Zoom link, open (using your UMD credentials) a proper Zoom meeting. The TA will select you based on the order you appear on the Quuly queue. IMPORTANT: If you add yourself to the Zoom session without first adding yourself to Quuly, you will not be helped by a TA. Remember you must first sign up on Quuly, then go into the Zoom link after being dequeued. If you enter the Zoom link without being dequeued, you will not receive help. Because we have a mixture of online and physical OHs, put (Zoom) right next to your name if you are virtual.
  3. TA Zoom links (only to be used when they are holding online office hours)
    • Mabel -
    • Kyle -
    • Prateksha -
    • Yixuan -
    • Anubhav -
    • Bhrij -
    • Lloyd -
    • Yianni -
Office Hours Schedule
Teaching Assistants
Name E-mail Photo
Teaching Assistants Office Hours

Web Accessibility