CMSC335 (Spring 2025): Web Application Development with JavaScript
Web Application Development with JavaScript
provides an introduction to modern ways of developing Web
Applications/Services using JavaScript for both front-end and back-end.
The course covers topics on fundamental JavaScript language constructs, server-side
JavaScript, back-end data persistence, and client-side JavaScript to build
Web Applications that interact with Web services and back-end databases.
Minimum grade of C- in CMSC216 and CMSC250.
Credits → 3
Nelson Padua-Perez, Office:
IRB 2210
No required textbook.
Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate the ability to:
- Understand and develop web pages using HTML and CSS features.
- Use JavaScript language constructs for developing dynamic web pages.
- Understand the behavior (interaction with web pages) of code written in JavaScript.
- Use JavaScript to develop web services that interacts with 3rd-party services via web APIs.
- Understand the mechanism to provide data persistence in the back end (e.g., MongoDB).
- Use client-side JavaScript framework/libraries to develop single page applications (SPAs) interacting with web
Class Format
- Lectures will be recorded (if this represents a problem for you contact your instructor).
Keep in mind that technical problems may prevent us from creating a recording. You
are still responsible for any material covered in lecture.
- No pop quizzes.
- Lecture session attendance is NOT required, however, you are responsible for
any material covered in lecture and lab/discussion session.
- You do not need to notify your instructor if you will be missing lecture, unless
graded material (e.g., exam) takes place on that particular lecture.
- We may have a limited number of online office hours in addition to on-campus office hours.
- The course has several programming assignments (projects/exercises). There will be
no semester-long projects.
- All programming assignments will be individually developed, unless specified otherwise.
Email Policy
Email (to both instructor and TAs) should be used for urgent matters and not to
address project questions, lecture material questions, etc. Due to the large
number of students in the instructor classes, email should only be
used when necessary.
Please wait 24 hours to get a response to an email message sent
Monday through Thursday. Messages sent on Friday or weekends will be answered on
the following Monday.
- Please keep your email messages as short as possible. Thank you.
- Before emailing TAs or the instructor, check the
Piazza announcements and old_announcements folders.
Make sure you check your email during the week (Monday thru Friday) in case
your instructor needs to contact you.
Course Topics (Subject to Change)
- HTM5
- CSS, CSS Preprocessors
- Page Layouts (CSS Grid Layout, CSS Flexbox Layout)
- Single Page Applications
- JavaScript
- Variables, data types, expressions, operators
- Conditional, iteration, statements
- Functions, arrays
- Prototypes, inheritance and Object-Oriented JS
- ES6 syntax
- DOM, events, events handling
- Modules
- JavaScript standard library
- Iterators and generators
- Asychronous JavaScript
- Server-Side JavaScript
- Introduction to Node.js
- Express
- Data persistence with MongoDB
- User authorization and authentication
- Data validation on the backend
- Unit testing, integration testing using API Clients
- Miscellaneous
Programming Assignments (e.g., exercises, projects) |
39% |
Semester Exams (3), (14%, 18%, 18%) |
50% |
Final Exam (Group Project) |
11% |
Grading Concerns
It is your responsibility to submit regrade requests by a specified deadline;
no regrade requests will be processed afterward (even if there are grading errors).
If you don't address a grading concern by the specified deadline, we will assume
you have reviewed the graded work and are satisfied with your current grade.
Deadlines to address any grading concerns will be available at
Grading Concerns.
- Deadlines -
All assignments are due at 11:55 pm and you have until
11:55 pm of the next day to submit your work with
a 12% penalty. You will not receive any
credit (a score of 0) for any submission after the late deadline.
The submit server will use 11:56 pm as the deadline, otherwise assignments
submitted exactly at 11:55 pm will be considered late. The actual deadline
for assignments is 11:55 pm. A submission that is one minute late
is considered a late submission. You need to plan to submit
at least one hour before the official deadline.
- Submit Server -
You need to use the
submit server to submit
you work. We will not accept work submitted otherwise (e.g., email, etc.).
- Which Assignments Gets Graded -
Your last submission. If you have both an ontime and late submission
only the late one will be graded after a 12% penalty is applied (we
cannot select the highest scoring one between on time and late).
- Closed Assignments -
All programming assignments in this course are to be written
individually (unless explicitly indicated otherwise). You may discuss
assignments only with TAs, instructor or via Piazza.
- No Pop Quizzes/Pop Lab Work -
There are no pop quizzes (only exams).
- Projects and exercises are posted by 6 pm on the day specified
on the schedule.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) Tools Usage
The use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Google Gemini) for
the completion of graded work (e.g., programming assignments) is not allowed
and represents an academic integrity violation. Although we recognized that
you will use AI tools in the future, we need you to master the fundamentals
first without AI tools. Using AI tools to learn about class concepts is OK
as long as you don't try to find answers to problems or tasks that are
part of a project/exercise.
Regarding Posting of Assignments' Solutions/Implementations
Posting of any assignment solution (even after the course is over)
in a publicly available online location (e.g., github, Chegg) is prohibited under
the Code of Academic Integrity (facilitation of academic dishonesty). Any
student responsible for publicly posting assignments' solutions will be reported
to the Office of Student Conduct and risks the sanction of an "XF" in the course.
Posting of your assignments in a private repository where only selected
people (e.g., potential employers) have access is OK.
Office Hours
Office hours get extremely busy the day before an assignment deadline. Help during
office hours is not guaranteed. TAs/instructors cannot stay holding office hours
after the office hours period ends because students are waiting for help (this applies to
online/virtual office hours). The sooner you start working on a project, the better
your chances of getting help. Please, leave the TA room once you have received help
and do not use the TA Room as a working area.
About Waiting Until the Due Date to Complete Class Work
Keep in mind that if you wait until the due date to finish your
class work, you may face problems that TAs or Nelson would not
be able to help you with (no, email the day a project is due
is not an option to address problems as you are too many and we
cannot help everyone). If you need help, you
need to see us during office hours. No extensions will be
granted because you waited until the due date and could not
get the help you needed. Also, office hours help is not
guaranteed. If you wait until the due date, and there are too
many students, you may not get the help you need (and no extension
will be granted). Please keep this mind for all class work.
Plan to finish class work so you will be able to see a TA or
Nelson if you need help.
You are responsible for creating backups of your work as you complete an assignment.
Use any approach you prefer; just make sure your work is not accessible to others.
No extensions will be granted if you lose your work and you had no backups.
We will be using (Piazza) for class
communication. You will not be able to register to Piazza yourself.
Your instructor will register you using the email address
you have in the school system.
Posting of any kind of code in Piazza is not allowed.
Feel free to stop e-mail messages Piazza sends by updating
the email settings. You can change the settings by selecting
the wheel that appears in the right upper side of the Piazza
interface and selecting "Account/Email Settings". You can
select "No Emails" for our course. Notice that your instructor can
still send messages through Piazza, regardless the settings you
have chosen. If you change your email notifications, make sure you
visit Piazza often for announcements and assignment clarifications we
have made.
Class Announcements
You are responsible for checking announcements (at least twice a day) we post in
the announcements Piazza folder. An old_announcements
Piazza folder will have old announcements. We recommend you check messages everyday
around 11:30 am and after 5:00 pm.
Excused Absence, Academic Accommodations, and Extensions
See the section titled "Attendance and Missed Assignments"
available at Course Related Policies.
Regarding extensions:
- You need to provide official documentation to receive an assignment extension or makeup.
- We expect you to start working on projects immediately after they are posted and to
work on them at least every other day. If you wait until a few days before an assignment
is due to start working on it, and get sick, we will not provide a period of time
that assumes you have not worked on the project. You will only be granted an extension
that corresponds to the days you have been sick.
It is your responsibility to immediately notify your instructor if you are sick and cannot complete class
work. Ask someone to get in touch with the instructor if you cannot do it yourself.
Make sure you periodically submit (to the submit server) work you have for an assignment.
Extensions will be granted based on the work you have in the submit server.
If you receive an extension, you must provide a progress update every
three days. If you cannot provide an update yourself, please ask someone
to provide an update on your situation. Failure to provide a progress
update without a valid reason will invalidate any provided extension.
See the section titled "Accessibility" available at
Related Policies.
For Accessibility & Disability (ADS) Students
If you are an ADS ( student (others
ignore this
ADS students: you are responsible for reserving a space at ADS to take
exams (we cannot provide that support). Keep in mind ADS has deadlines
regarding by when to schedule a day/time to take exams. If your main
accommodation is extra time in exams, you don't need to meet your instructor
(just bring to lecture any form that needs a signature). If you miss
to schedule an exam at ADS, you need to take the exam along with the rest of
the class.
Academic Integrity
Please read this information carefully. We take academic integrity
matters seriously. Before you continue reading the syllabus, watch
the following video:
Integrity Video.
Academic dishonesty includes not only cheating, fabrication,
and plagiarism, but also includes helping other students commit acts of
academic dishonesty by allowing them to obtain copies of your work. All
submitted work must be your own. Cases of academic dishonesty
will be pursued to the fullest extent possible as stipulated by the
Office of Student Conduct.
- Situations that often lead to academic integrity violations:
- A student's friend/roommate shares an assignment's code. Once you provide
your code to another student, you are a facilitator, even if you indicate to
the student "not to copy-paste" any of it.
- Students use online resources (GitHub, Chegg, etc.) to find assignments' solutions.
The solutions are found by several students and all will be involved in an
academic case.
- Students assume we don't have tools that check for similarities among all students' submissions.
- Students get desperate and don't want a 0 in the assignment.
- Students are not aware of the expectations regarding academic integrity.
- Students assume we don't take academic integrity matters seriously.
- You should only receive assistance from instructors/TAs. We have seen cases
in which the use of tutors have led to academic integrity violations (e.g., tutors
looked for assignment's solutions online).
The Office of Student Conduct is responsible for handling academic integrity matters.
After a report is submitted by an instructor, the case is evaluated by the office
and it could result in an XF grade, degree revocation, or dismissal from the university.
One of the most negative consequences of academic integrity violations is the emotional burden an
academic integrity case has on a student. We have seen students extremely distraught as a result of
an academic integrity violation. In many cases students chances for recommendations, TA positions,
and other opportunities are negatively affected.
- Please read the section titled "Academic Integrity" available at
Course Related Policies
and the information available at
Academic Integrity.
Class Concerns
If you or your parents have any class concerns, feel free to contact
the instructor. If an issue arises with the instructor, report it using
the form available at
Notice of Mandatory Reporting
Notice of mandatory reporting of sexual assault, sexual harassment, interpersonal violence,
and stalking: As faculty members, a course instructor is designated as a
“Responsible University Employee,” and must report all disclosures of sexual assault,
sexual harassment, interpersonal violence, and stalking to UMD’s Title IX Coordinator
per University Policy on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct.
If you wish to speak with someone confidentially, please contact one of UMD’s confidential resources,
such as CARE to Stop Violence (located on the Ground Floor
of the Health Center) at 301-741-3442 or the Counseling Center
(located at the Shoemaker Building) at 301-314-7651.
You may also seek assistance or supportive measures from UMD’s Title IX Coordinator,
Angela Nastase, by calling 301-405-1142, or emailing
To view further information on the above, please visit the Office of Civil
Rights and
Sexual Misconduct's website at
Make sure you have an alternate device or option to authenticate (Duo)
to school, as submitting classwork requires authentication. Some students use
an iPad or another phone number (e.g., home phone) to authenticate. You
should test your alternate device/approach before you have an emergency.
Additional information at
No extensions will be provided due to lack of an alternate device for authentication.
Borrowing Computer Equipment
If your computer is experiencing problems, you can borrow one. See
for additional information.
We only use ELMS for videos (Panopto).
- Buying Domain -
As an exercise for the class, we may ask you to buy a domain
if you don't have one. It should be something really cheap,
but everyone has different financial situations. We are letting
you know in advance, in case you need to change to another course.
At the end of the semester visit ( to
complete your course evaluations.
Contact your instructor, the
Counseling Center
, or both, if you are experiencing difficulties that affect your performance in your courses.
Do not wait until the end of the semester to look for help.
UMD Course related policies are available at
CS Undergraduate Office Advising ELMS Page -
The Computer Science Department ELMS page is designed to be an “all-in-one”,
comprehensive space for resources relating to the Computer Science major.
This space allows for the department to reach its students through the
primary platform used for coursework, bringing announcements, events,
and employment/research opportunities to the same location where students
find their assignments. This space is managed by the CS Undergraduate Advising
Office, and includes modules to provide students with answers to our most
common inquiries. These modules include information on how to request a
high credit load, change majors and specializations, Education Abroad
opportunities, graduate programs, and even academic updates like
capped waitlists and new course offerings.
Lost&Found - Iribe 2140
All course materials are copyright UMCP, Department of Computer Science
© 2025. All rights reserved. Students are permitted to use course
materials for their own personal use only. Course materials may not be
distributed publicly or provided to others (excepting other students in
the course), in any way or format.