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- Office Address : 7 West 34 Street, New York, NY 10028
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Recent Stuff
- 11/19 : Presented a paper on Cross-lingual Semantic Relation Classification at EMNLP 2019.
- 09/19 : Defended my thesis, and started a new position at Amazon AI
- 08/18 : Finished an internship at Amazon AI in NYC with Georgiana Dinu, Rishita Anubhai, and Yaser Al-Onaizan
- 06/18 : (Co)-Presented two papers at NAACL 2018 in New Orleans
- 05/18 : Successfully defended my thesis proposal!
- 03/18 : Giving a Language Science Lunch Talk at the UMD Langauge Science Center on the 03/29/18. Come by to hear about our work on multilingual NLP
- 02/18 : Two long papers accepted for oral presentations at NAACL 2018, with collaborators from UMD and UPenn!
- 01/18 : UMD is a host site for the North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad! If you are a high school student interested in language, logic, or computation, register for the contest.
- 09/17 : Speaking at the Machine Learning and Friends Lunch at UMass, Amherst
- 08/17 : Finished an internship with Google Search in NYC!
- 08/17 : The paper at *SEM won the Adam Kilgarriff Best Paper award!
- 08/17 : Presented 2 Papers in ACL Workshops -*SEM paper on hypernymy, NMT Workshop paper on improving NMT by detecting divergences