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asm: An Assembler for the Reduced MIPS ISA

We have provided an assembler, asm.c, so that you can assemble programs for your simulator. The asm.c file is fully functional, and you will not need to make any modifications to this file. Simply use the Makefile to make the binary asm from the asm.c source file.

The format for assembly programs is very simple. A valid assembly program is an ASCII file in which each line of the file represents a single instruction, or a data constant. The format for a line of assembly code is:


The leftmost field on a line is the label field which indicates a symbolic address. Valid labels contain a maximum of 6 characters and can consist of letters and numbers. The label is optional (the tab following the label field is not). After the optional label is a tab. Then follows the instruction field, where the instruction can be any of the assembly-language mnemonics listed in Table 1. After another tab comes a series of fields. All fields are given as decimal numbers. The number of fields depends on the instruction. The following describes the instructions and how they are specified in assembly code:

           lw   rd      rs1     imm     Reg[rd] <- Mem[Reg[rs1] + imm]
           sw   rd      rs1     imm     Reg[rd] -> Mem[Reg[rs1] + imm]
           beqz rd      rs1     imm     if (Reg[rs1] == 0) PC <- PC+4+imm
           addi rd      rs1     imm     Reg[rd] <- Reg[rs1] + imm
           add  rd      rs1     rs2     Reg[rd] <- Reg[rs1] + Reg[rs2]
           sub  rd      rs1     rs2     Reg[rd] <- Reg[rs1] - Reg[rs2]
           sll  rd      rs1     rs2     Reg[rd] <- Reg[rs1] << Reg[rs2]
           srl  rd      rs1     rs2     Reg[rd] <- Reg[rs1] >> Reg[rs2]
           and  rd      rs1     rs2     Reg[rd] <- Reg[rs1] & Reg[rs2]
           or   rd      rs1     rs2     Reg[rd] <- Reg[rs1] | Reg[rs2]
           halt	                        stop simulation

Note that in the case of the beqz instruction, PC-relative addressing is used (and again, your simulator should not perform the left-shift when computing the PC-relative branch target). For the lw, sw, and beqz instructions, the imm field can either be a decimal value, or a label can be used. In the case of a label, the assembler performs a different action depending on whether the instruction is a lw / sw instruction, or a beqz instruction. For lw and sw instructions, the assembler inserts the absolute address corresponding to the label. For beqz instructions, the assembler computes a PC-relative offset with respect to the label.

After the last field is another tab, then any comments. The comments end at the end of the line.

In addition to instructions, lines of assembly code can also include directives for the assembler. The only directive we will use is .fill. The .fill directive tells the assembler to put a number into the place where the instruction would normally be stored. The .fill directive uses one field, which can be either a numeric value or a symbolic address. For example, ``.fill 32'' puts the value 32 where the instruction would normally be stored. In the following example, ``.fill start'' will store the value 8, because the label ``start'' refers to address 8 (remember that the MIPS architecture uses byte addresses).

           addi    1       0       5       load reg1 with 5
           addi    2       0       -1      load reg2 with -1
   start   add     1       1       2       decrement reg1
           lw      3       0       var1    loads reg3 with value stored in var1
           addi    3       3       -1      decrement reg3
           sw      3       0       var1    put reg3 back (thus var1 is decremented)
           beqz    0       1       done    goto done when reg1==0
           beqz    0       0       start   back to start
           add     0       0       0
   done    halt
           .fill   start                   will contain start address (8)
   var1    .fill   32                      Declare a variable, initialized to 32

Try taking the above example and running the assembler on it. Enter the above assembly code into a file called ``ex.s''. Then type ``asm ex.s ex.out''. The assembler will generate a file ``ex.out'' which should contain:

          (address 0x0):   20010005
          (address 0x4):   2002ffff
          (address 0x8):   00220820
          (address 0xc):   8c03002c
          (address 0x10):  2063ffff
          (address 0x14):  ac03002c
          (address 0x18):  10200008
          (address 0x1c):  1000ffe8
          (address 0x20):  00000020
          (address 0x24):  fc000000
          (address 0x28):  00000008
          (address 0x2c):  00000020
The assembler assumes that all programs will be loaded into memory beginning at address 0x0.

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MM Hugue 2011-09-24