All the files you need, plus some extra data files can be found in the directory on my course pages. This archive contains the starter files for this project. asm.c is an assembler for the reduced MIPS ISA which your simulator will implement (more about the assembler and the ISA later). mips-small.c is the C source file for a fully functional unpipelined simulator. mips-small-pipe.c is a C source code template that has some data structures and routines you will need for your pipelined simulator. You can use this template to get started on the assignment. mips-small-pipe.h is a header file included by mips-small-pipe.c, and Makefile is a unix make file which will produce the binaries asm, sim, and sim-pipe from the source files, asm.c, mips-small.c, and mips-small-pipe.c, respectively.
In the remaining files, we have provided two example assembly programs. simple.s performs an arithmetic operation and mult.s multiplies two numbers. simple.output is the result of running simple.s through our pipelined simulator, and can be used to verify your simulator's output.