Ramsey Theory books that Mostly Use Combinatorics
Rudiments of Ramsey Theory by Ronald Graham and Steve Butler
Ramsey Theory by Ronald Graham, Bruce Rothchild, Joel Spencer HERE
Ramsey Theory on the Integers by Bruce Landman and Aaron Robertson HERE
Ramsey Theory for Discrete Structures by Hans Jurgen Promel
An intro to RT: Fast Functions, Infinity, and Metamathatics by M. Katz and J. Reimann
Comb. Set Theory: Partition Relations for Cardinals by Erdos, Hajnal, Mate, Rado
Comb. Games: Tic-Tac-Toe by Beck HERE
Aspects of Combinatorics and Combinatorial NT by Sukumar Adhikari (about 2/3 Ramsey)
Fundmentals of Ramsey Theory by Aaron Robertson
Basics of Ramsey Theory by Jungic
Notes on Ramsey Theory (unpublished) by Jungic HERE
Ramsey Theory by Taylor (unpulished) HERE
Variations on a theorem by VDW by Johannson (unpublished) HERE
Combinatorial NT: Results of Hilbert, Schur, Folkman, and Hindman (unpublished) HERE
Collections of Articles that Mostly Use Combinatorics
Mathematics of Ramsey Theory Edited by Jaroslave Nesetril and Vojtech Rodl HERE
Ramsey Theory: Yesterday, Today, and Tommorow edited by Alexander Soifer HERE
Ramsey Theory Books That Use Non-Combinatorial Methods
Nonstandard Methods in RT and Comb NT by Nasso, Goldbring, Lupini. (1/5 Ramsey) HERE
Introduction to Ramsey Spaces by Stevo Todorcevic HERE
Ramsey Theory on Product Spaces by Kanellopoulos HERE
Canonical Ramsey Theory on Polish Spaces by Kanovei, Sabok, Zapletal HERE
Books That Have Some Ramsey In Them
Additive Combinatorics by Terrence Tao and Van Vu (about 1/5 Ramsey) HERE
The Mathematical Coloring Book by Alexander Soifer (about 1/2 Ramsey) HERE
Handbook of Combinatorics edited by Graham, Grotschel, Lovasz. Volume 2 has a chapter on Ramsey Theory
Essays on Numbers and Figures by Viktor Prasolov. 1 chapter on VDW-GW. HERE
Connections in DM: A Celebration of the work of Ron Graham. Edited by Butler, Cooper, Hurlbert. 3 out of 20 chaps on RT.
The Scholar and the State: In Search of VDW by Soifer. A History book. 4 of the 43 chaps on RT.
Comb Mathematics and its Apps edited by Bose and Dowling. 1 chap on kth residue prob.
Slicing the Truth: On the comp. and rev. math. of comb. principles by Hirschfeldt. Logic.
Mathematical Plums edited by Ross Honsberger. 1 chap is on many triangles.
Mathematical Gems edited by Ross Honsberger. 1 chap has a problem on grid coloring.