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Recent News & Accomplishments


Financial and technology leader Capital One is an inaugural partner of the center.
The University of Maryland recently launched a multidisciplinary center that uses powerful computing tools to address challenges in big data, computer vision, health care, financial transactions and more. The University of Maryland Center for Machine Learning will unify and enhance numerous activities in machine learning already underway on the Maryland campus. Machine learning uses algorithms and statistical models so that computer systems can effectively perform a task without explicit instructions, relying instead on patterns and inference. At UMD, for example, computer vision experts are...  read more
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Assistant Professor Soheil Feizi’s “Network Maximal Correlation” has been given the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE) Best Paper Award for 2019 . This work (named the best for over a three-year period) introduces a new statistic for measuring dependency in multivariate random variables, as well as introducing a computational framework to evaluate it given multivariate data sets. The goal of the new measure is to automatically identify complex, non-linear dependencies that would not be observed with traditional measures of correlation.  read more
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Senior computer science major Louis-Henri Merino has been named a Fulbright Scholar for the 2019-2020 academic year. He will be studying block chains with Bryan Ford at L'École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , a research institute and university in Lausanne, Switzerland. After his year abroad, Merino will return to the University of Maryland to earn a Ph.D. in Reliability Engineering from the A. James Clark School of Engineering . As a French speaker, Merino is looking forward to working on his language skills in Lausanne and other French-speaking European cities during his time...  read more
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Professor Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi has been named as one of 168 John Simon Guggenheim Fellows for 2019 for Applied Mathematics. He is one of thirteen scientists to receive this award and is the first Computer Scientist at the University of Maryland honored in this way. He was named among artists, musicians, filmmakers, art critics, literature scholars and writers. Hajiaghayi will be using his fellowship to continue his work on big graph algorithms and algorithmic game theory. When he received the call about the fellowship, he immediately shared the news with his wife Dr. Arefeh Nasr as well...  read more
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Soheil Behnezhad Yuan Su have been awarded Google Ph.D. Fellowships for 2019. Soheil Behnezhad is advised by Professor Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi and researches the design and analysis of algorithms. He is particularly interested in algorithms for processing large-scale graphs in parallel/distributed, streaming, and stochastic settings. He is also interested in algorithmic game theory. He has recently published papers in Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) and and Symposium on Parallelism in Algorthims and Architectures (SPAA). Yuan Su is advised by Professor Andrew Childs. Su's research...  read more
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For her work on inclusion and diversity in the Department and for co-founding the Inclusion Speaker Series, academic advisor Freddie Salley was awarded the Office of Multi-ethnic Student Education’s (OMSE) Excellent in Service Award for “outstanding contributions to advancing the inclusive excellence of multi-ethnic students on campus.” Salley has been an advisor in the Department for two years. In addition to her other duties—in which she is responsible for assigning undergraduate TAs to courses. While cofounding the Inclusion Speaker Series (with B.K. Adams and Ken Kolkason), she has served...  read more
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Professor Hanan Samet’s paper (written with students and colleagues) entitled “A New View on News,” has been awarded ACM SIGSPATIAL’s 10-year impact award for 2018. Originally published in 2008, this paper, which describes a system (called NewsStand ) that uses a map query interface to collect, analyze, and gather news stories, has garnered many citations and has been the discussion of many researchers in the academic community. In October 2014, Samet’s work was the subject of a short video produced by the ACM. NewStand monitors thousands of...  read more
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Dr. Jan Plane has been awarded the University System of Maryland Board of Regents' Award for Public Service. Plane was awarded for her contribu[tion] to the community through involvement in initiatives such as P-20 programs, clinical practice, professional or non-profit organizations, and public policy." The USM Award will be presented during the full Board of Regents' April meeting. Plane is the Director of the Maryland Center for Women in Computing (MCWIC) and the Associate Director of the Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students, the Honors College programs for cybersecurity (ACES)...  read more
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Professor Jonathan Katz has been named a Fellow of the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). Katz is being honored “[f]or broad contributions, especially in public-key encryption and cryptographic protocols, and for dedication to service and education.” The IACR Fellows Program highlights their members who advance the science, technology and practice of cryptology; promote the free exchange of ideas and information about cryptology; encourage the professional skill and integrity of members of the community; and promote their community to a wider scientific community. "...  read more
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Professor Aravind Srinivasan and Assistant Professor John Dickerson are recipients of 2018 Google Faculty Research Awards. Their projects were two of 158 funded for this year out of 910 proposals from all over the world. Srinivasan and Dickerson’s award covers “tuition for a graduate student and provide[s] both faculty and students the opportunity to work directly with Google researchers and engineers.” Srinivasan and Dickerson will be engaging in research on optimization to tackle the problem, “AI for Efficient and Equitable Organ Allocation Policies.” In the end, their work seeks to lower...  read more

Featured Videos

When Transfer Learning Meets Deep Learning

Professor Qiang Yang, Hong Kong University
November 27, 2017


Cryptographic Perspectives on the Future of Privacy

Jonathan Katz, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland
September 06, 2017

An Expanding and Expansive View of Computing

Jim Kurose, National Science Foundation
January 30, 2017


Data, Predictions and Decisions in Support of People and Society

Eric Horvitz, Technical Fellow and Director at Microsoft
October 24, 2016