Prof. Bederson CMSC 427 - Homeworks
Homeworks are due at the start of class on the due date. Late homeworks and assignments are subject to the following late penalty: an hour late - 5% of total, 24 hours late - 10% of total, 48 hours late - 50% of total. No homeworks or programs will be accepted more than 2 days late. Extenuating circumstances will be considered. Talk to me if you have a problem.


Due Date

Sample Solution

Homework #1 - Learn Visual J++, Rasterize a line

Feb 8, 2000


Homework #2 - Antialias a circle

Feb 15, 2000

Justin Gaertner
Lance Good

Homework #3 - Clip to a polygon

Feb 22, 2000

Hua Guo

Homework #4 - Written problems,  transformations

Feb 29, 2000

Homework #5 - Written problems, homogeneous coordinates March 7, 2000 Solution
Homework #6 - Animated solar system March 30, 2000  
Homework #7 - Hierarchical model April 4, 2000  
Proj. Proposal April 11, 2000  
Proj. Midpoint April 25, 2000  
Final Project - Schedule May 9, 2000  

For Graduate Students

If you are signed up for CMSC 828E, and are taking this course for graduate credit, you must do everything that is required for CMSC 427, and:

  • You will be grouped with other graduate students for the group project
  • You will be graded compared with other graduate students
  • You must write a research summary paper

The research summary paper should be a short (6-8 page) 1.5 space, 11 point font, 1 inch margin paper that summarizes a research topic in Computer Graphics.  You are expected to read 5-10 research papers in an area of your choice and possibly technical documentation from products, and summarize the state of the art in that area.  The best source of material is the SIGGRAPH chapter of ACM, and their annual conference (called SIGGRAPH), and the ACM Journal Transactions on Computer Graphics.  See

You must write a one paragraph summary of your proposed research topic with the papers you will read and hand that in March 16, 2000 (worth 10% of paper grade).  Feel free to talk with me in advance to discuss research topics.  Sample topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Advanced photo-realistic rendering techniques (radiosity, weathering, etc.)
  • Nonphoto-realistic rendering (automated sketches for architecture, etc.)
  • Natural object rendering techniques (fabrics, skin, etc.)
  • Motion capture (how to create realistic models of moving things)
  • High performance rendering (gaming engines, context-dependent meshes, parallel architectures, pipeline architectures, etc.)
  • Animation (physical models, statistical approximations, etc.)
  • Whatever other interesting research you find in the field of 3D computer graphics