Data Intensive Computing
Active Data Repository Project - High Performance Multidimensional Databases
Bay and Estuary Simulation
Virtual Microscope
NPACI Alpha Project:
"Coupling of Models for Energy and Environment (CMEE)"
Volume Visualization
DataCutter Project
Filtering Scientific Datasets on the Computational Grid
High Performance I/O
Performance Prediction for Large Scale Data Intensive Applications on Large Scale Parallel Machines
Data Mining
I/O Server Scheduling
Tools for Metacomputing
Parallel Program Interoperability
Resource Aware Computing
High End Medical Applications with Johns Hopkins Dept. of Pathology
Data Mining and Ontology Based Indexing Schemes
Pathology Data Repository
CHAOS Project - Irregular Problems on High Performance Architectures
Runtime Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Applications
Interprocedural Definition-Use Chains of Dynamic Recursive Data Structures
Last Updated: 03/30/00