Tutorial: using redexer to implement logging in Android apps
Redexer comprises a set of data structures to represent and manipulate Dalvik bytecode. Redexer extensions augment these basic structures and can be used for a wide variety of purposes: static analysis, bytecode rewriting, generating documentation, etc… This tutorial gives an end-to-end example of how to construct an extension to redexer that adds a bit of logging code to existing Android apps.
While not strictly required for this tutorial, it is helpful to have a high level understanding of the Android ecosystem and an overview of how the Dalvik VM interprets and manipulates files. This tutorial covers using redexer to manipulate Dalvik bytecode, but not the structure of the bytecode or of the virtual machine proper. For more information on these topics, the following references may prove helpful:
Compiling redexer
The redexer system comes with installation notes (in the README.md ). After building redexer proper, you will probably also want to build the documentation by also doing a:
make doc
This will generate documentation in various forms and put the output in the docs/ folder (assuming you have OCamlDoc installed). There are also other make targets that will generate pieces of the documentation (psdoc (PostScript), htdoc (HTML), and ladoc (LaTeX)).
After making changes to redexer, you will of course have to recompile it. For example, throughout the tutorial, we build an extension in the form of a file that sits in the src/ext/ folder. If you are building a new extension, you will also have to have to add it to the list of files compiled by make by adding it to the SOURCES (potentially) DOC_FILES definition in the toplevel Makefile .
In this tutorial we will build a logging extension to let us find out when certain lifecycle events happen, e.g., a screen is opened, paused, etc.. For example, if you were testing an Android app and found a bug, you might wish to know which sequence of screens the user went through to get the app in its current state. Android Activity instances implement code representing a screen in an app. When the Android system responds to certain events (the user presses the back button, starts the app, etc.), it will call certain methods in an Activity instance. For our purposes we consider:
onCreate – An Activity is first created.
onDestroy – An Activity is destroyed and thrown out of memory.
onResume – An Activity is resumed after sitting in the background.
onPause – An activity is about to go into the background.
Our extension’s goal will be quite simple: find the set of Activity s in the app, and instrument these methods to dump logging data. While logging information in these methods is not sufficient to reconstruct the app’s entire state, it provides a rough approximation of what screens the user was navigating through the app, and provides a good showcase of how to use redexer to instrument applications.
Redexer’s structure
Looking at the structure for redexer’s source will help in understanding how to add our extension to the system. Redexer is written as an OCaml program, but uses a few auxiliary scripts to unpack APK files and provide utility functionality.
docs – Documentation.
data – Auxiliary files, such as the CSS template used by the pretty printer.
ocamlutil – Library for collecting runtime statistics, handling unicode, etc.
scripts – Scripts that provide a high level interface.
apk.rb – Code for handling APK files.
manifest.rb – Code for navigating an app’s manifest file.
dex.rb – Code for calling the redexer binary.
cmd.rb – The main driver tying these together.
tools – External tools used for unpacking and resigning APKs.
android.ml – Utilities for identifying code in the Android SDK.
combine.ml – Combining multiple dex files.
dex.ml – Representation of a dex file as an OCaml data structure.
dump.ml – Dumping an in-memory dex structure to a file.
instr.ml – Representation of Dalvik instructions.
java.ml – Utilities for working with common classes from the Java library.
log.ml – Logging.
main.ml – Main entry point.
modify.ml – Utility functions to manipulate the structure of a dex file.
parse.ml – Code for parsing a dex file into memory.
util.ml – Utilities.
visitor.ml – Implementation of the “visitor” pattern for manipulating dex files.
ext/ – Sample redexer extensions
callgraph.ml – Calculating and manipulating call graphs.
ctrlflow.ml – Calculating and drawing control flow graphs.
dataflow.ml – Data flow analysis engine.
htmlunparse.ml – HTML based pretty printer.
liveness.ml – Liveness analysis.
logging.ml – Logging app components (this tutorial).
propagation.ml – Constant propagation.
unparse.ml – YAML-based pretty printer.
Looking at the structure of redexer already gives us some idea as to how the system fits together: the core code resides within the src/ directory, and extensions sit in the ext/ directory.
Dex file structure
Before developing a logging extension, we will briefly explain how Android apps are structured. The links provided in the previous references section give more comprehensive coverage of application structure, so we give only a high level overview here.
Android apps are usually written in Java, which is first compiled into JVM bytecode (.class) files as usual. The JVM is slightly different than Dalvik: for example, Dalvik files are much more tightly woven (strings are unique, redundant instances are aliased), and Dalvik is based on a register machine (rather than a stack based architecture). To transform JVM code (.class files) into Dalvik code, the Android toolchain has a set of tools that perform the mapping. The result is that a (potentially large) set of .class files is converted into a single .dex file. An APK file is essentially this .dex file, along with a set of resources (images, i18n strings, etc…), and a manifest (declaring the app name, icon, permissions, among other things). All of these are zipped together and they comprise an .apk file.
A .dex file contains such things as class definitions, method identifiers, static strings, and instruction sequences (code) used in an app. The Dalvik Executable Format document describes the exact structure of this file, which is essentially mirrored in the src/dex.ml implementation. We recommend you skim that document and then look at the documentation generated by make doc for src/dex.ml .
Implementing our extension as a visitor
A Dalvik file is comprised of many small elements. A visitor allows us to traverse files hierarchically: we write a concrete instance of the visitor class, and the redexer framework iterates through the structure of the .dex file, calling the appropriate methods for us. In cases where you are doing complex manipulation of .dex code requiring a different traversal order, you might consider using a custom visitor implementation.
To be concrete, you can look at src/visitor.ml to find the structure of a visitor object:
class type visitor =
val dx : D.dex
method get_dx : unit -> D.dex
method v_fit : D.field_id_item -> unit
method v_mit : D.method_id_item -> unit
method v_cdef : D.class_def_item -> unit
method r_eval : D.encoded_value -> D.encoded_value
method v_anno : D.encoded_annotation -> unit
method v_cdat : D.class_data_item -> unit
method v_efld : D.encoded_field -> unit
method v_emtd : D.encoded_method -> unit
method v_citm : D.code_item -> unit
method v_ins : D.link -> unit
method v_try : D.try_item -> unit
method v_hdl : D.encoded_catch_handler -> unit
method v_dbg : D.debug_info_item -> unit
method finish : unit -> unit
We can see that subclasses of the visitor will “fill in” certain methods that say what to do when certain elements of the file structure are encountered. For example, if we implement the v_mit method in a visitor subclass, it will be called on method items of .dex files. visitor.ml also contains the iterator class.
A first attempt
Our extension can now be viewed as a visitor: we will implement a subclass of iterator that will go through the methods in each Activity , check to see if they are the lifecycle methods we need and, if so, add a snippet of code to force logging information to be printed upon execution of those methods. Note: at this point, you can also cheat and look in the implementation src/ext/logging.ml to see the complete version of the logging tutorial.
We start off by creating a baseline version of our class, which will inherit from iterator . We call our class trans_logger , and import the Visitor module:
module V = Visitor
module Ap = Android.App
module As = Android.Preference
module Ao = Android.OS
let act_trans = [Ap.onCreate; Ap.onDestroy; Ap.onResume; Ap.onPause]
class trans_logger (dx: D.dex) =
let strs = M.new_ty dx (J.to_java_ty ("["^Java.Lang.str)) in
let [logger_cid::action_cid] = L.map (D.get_cid dx) [logger; action] in
let log_mid, _ = D.get_the_mtd dx logger_cid logActn in
inherit V.iterator dx
val mutable do_this_cls = false
method v_cdef (cdef: D.class_def_item) : unit =
let cid = cdef.D.c_class_id
and sid = cdef.D.superclass in
let cname = J.of_java_ty (D.get_ty_str dx cid)
and sname = J.of_java_ty (D.get_ty_str dx sid) in
do_this_cls <- L.mem sname tgt_comps
(* to check this is a transition method or not *)
val mutable mname = ""
method v_emtd (emtd: D.encoded_method) : unit =
mname <- D.get_mtd_name dx emtd.D.method_idx
method v_citm (citm: D.code_item) : unit =
if L.mem mname act_trans && do_this_cls then
Let’s look at what we’ve implemented here: we have an iterator that implements v_cdef , v_emtd , and v_citm . These methods visit a class definition, a method definition, and a code item, respectively. Essentially, we want to think: when we visit a class, v_cdef will be called, and then v_emtd will be called on all of its methods, and then for each call to v_emtd , a corresponding call to v_citm will be made on its code item. We have a few things to keep in mind:
We only need to check for lifecycle methods in classes that actually are subclasses of Activity . For example, if someone implemented some other class (such as org.umd.example.RandomClass ) and also included methods named onCreate , we would not want to instrument those methods. To check whether a class really is a subclass of one of those we wish to instrument, we can check in v_cdef , which will be called whenever the class is visited.
We need to ensure that only methods with the correct names are instrumented: we can check this inside the v_emtd , which is called for each method in each class.
When v_citm is called, we check that the current method has the correct name (any of onCreate , onResume , onPause , or onDestroy ) and is contained within a class which extends Activity .
So far this code does very little: it simply responds to the appropriate visitor methods. What we need now is code to insert into the methods we are targeting.
Using an auxiliary library
How should we log actions taken by the app? We have a few options, we could:
Use the standard Android Log class to print out data.
Do something else in the app to indicate the behavior (such as write a file).
Write a utility class which will do the logging for us, and then call a method in that class.
Each option has its own benefits: if we use the standard Android Log class we have a simple enough time doing trivial logging, but if we change the type of information we log later we will have to rewrite our instrumentation code. However, generating proper sequences of bytecode implementing program functionality is difficult, and it is more natural to write functionality in Java.
We suggest writing as little as instrumentation code as possible, and writing static blobs of code that implement common functionality as Java code that can be “pasted” into the app by using redexer’s Combine module. The Combine module lets us (essentially) do static linking to paste two pieces of code together. In this way, we can write a “helper” class as a Java file, and then we can write instrumentation code that calls that helper method.
For the purposes of this tutorial, we have included a class containing static methods that we can use to log app interactions. This class is under the logging subdirectory of this tutorial (tutorial/logging ), in the org.umd.logging.util package. One method particularly relevant to our current example is the static method logAction :
public static void logAction(String c, AppAction a, String... args) {
String logged = actionNames.get(a) + " component: " + c;
logged += logArgs(args);
Log.i(TAG, logged);
logArgs is simply a method which turns each of the arguments into a textual representation which can be printed out. Were we to call this method from our Java code, we would do something like this:
// Inside MyMainActivity
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
Logger.logAction("MyMainActivity", AppAction.onCreate, bundle);
Our goal will be to generate this call in our instrumented binaries.
Setting up an independent project
Generally we will want to static Java code to abstract common pieces of functionality that will be instrumented in our apps. To do this, we can create a new Android project in a subdirectory. We have some custom written logging code in the /tutorial/logging/ subdirectory of the redexer tree. To generate an ant build file, you can use the android tool included with the SDK:
android update project -p .
This will generate a new build.xml, which you can then compile by doing:
ant debug
This will build an APK, and a classes.dex which will be fed into redexer (by using a command line option) and merged with the application fed into redexer by the Combine module.
Generating the logging code
Now that we have some boilerplate code that will do the logging for us, we need to actually generate some code to use it. In particular we need to:
Find the method logAction so we can ascertain its method ID and generate a call to it.
Remember the string delineating the name of the Activity.
Map the name of the method (onCreate , onPause , etc…) to a static field in AppAction .
Pass the possible arguments to these methods as an array of variadic arguments to the method.
Without further ado, here’s the complete v_citm method:
method v_citm (citm: D.code_item) : unit =
if L.mem mname act_trans && do_this_cls then
let fid, _ = D.get_the_fld dx action_cid mname in
let ins0 = I.new_stt_fld sget_obj 0 (D.of_idx fid)
and ins1 = I.new_const 1 0
and ins2 = I.new_arr 1 1 (D.of_idx strs)
and ins3 = I.new_invoke call_stt [0; 1; D.of_idx log_mid] in
let inss = [ins0; ins1; ins2; ins3] in
M.insrt_insns_before_end dx citm inss
Let’s try to understand what this code does, here are some of the main methods you should look at:
There are a few auxiliary operations used in this code from the Dex and Instr modules:
Dex.of_idx : Extracts the integral index out of a Dex index.
Dex.get_the_fld : Looks up a field ID from a class ID and method name.
Instr.new_stt_fld : Generate an instruction to get or put a static field.
Instr.new_const : Generate an instruction that loads a constant into a register.
Instr.new_arr : Generate an instruction that loads a new array
Instr.new_invoke : Generate a new invoke instruction, takes an argument that says whether to generate a static or virtual call, and takes the set of arguments in the form of a list of parameters.
Inserting unimplemented methods
It is entirely possible that an arbitrary Activity subclass will not have methods implementing certain lifecycle handlers. This is fine, since the Activity superclass will simply handle them (though an Activity without implementations of these methods probably will not do much interesting). However, these classes will not have lifecycle methods for us to instrument. If we want to instrument them, we will have to manually insert them into the bytecode.
We can insert these method stubs as follows:
When we first see the class, check whether or not the method already exists.
If a method does not exist, insert it whenever we first see the class that should include it.
Upon seeing the methods later, fix them up as required.
We can use our previous implementation (in v_citm ) as before, as long as the methods exist. If we put our code to insert method stubs in v_cdef , the code will run before any of the v_citm methods calls for code items comprising the class. Recall our previous v_cdef definition:
method v_cdef (cdef: D.class_def_item) : unit =
let cid = cdef.D.c_class_id
and sid = cdef.D.superclass in
let cname = J.of_java_ty (D.get_ty_str dx cid)
and sname = J.of_java_ty (D.get_ty_str dx sid) in
do_this_cls <- L.mem sname tgt_comps
We now extend it to check whether or not the current class inherits from Activity (or a few others) using an auxiliary method target_on_hierarchy :
let rec target_on_hierarchy (dx: D.dex) (cid: D.link) : bool =
if cid = D.no_idx then false else
let cname = J.of_java_ty (D.get_ty_str dx cid) in
if L.mem cname tgt_comps then true else
target_on_hierarchy dx (D.get_superclass dx cid)
Where we define tgt_comps to contain Activity and subclasses of Activity within the Android SDK. Our modified version of v_cdef now checks if the necessary methods exist, and if not, inserts null stubs that simply return.
method v_cdef (cdef: D.class_def_item) : unit =
let cid = cdef.D.c_class_id
and sid = cdef.D.superclass in
let cname = J.of_java_ty (D.get_ty_str dx cid)
and sname = J.of_java_ty (D.get_ty_str dx sid) in
let per_on mname =
if not (M.override dx cid mname) then
( M.insrt_return_void dx cid mname; incr override_cnt )
(* note that this would find even app's own hierarchy *)
if target_on_hierarchy dx sid then L.iter per_on act_trans;
do_this_cls <- L.mem sname tgt_comps
Integrating the logger with the toplevel redexer
Now that we’ve written our logging module, we need to integrate our logging code with the rest of redexer proper. In particular, we need to:
- Use a command line option to tell redexer to invoke our pass
- Combine our static library for logging with the input app
The main driver code for redexer lives within src/main.ml . There are a few general purpose things (like collecting timing information and processing command line arguments), and then toplevel handlers for the major uses for redexer.
For our purposes, the easiest thing way to add the logging functionality to redexer will be to use a command line argument. Command line processing happens with the arg_specs list, giving a list of tuples corresponding to actions that should be taken on a given command line argument. If we look at the definition of arg_specs , we see something of the form:
let arg_specs =
("-log", A.String Log.set_level, "set logging level");
("-unparse", A.Unit do_unparse, "print dex in yaml format");
Redexer uses the standard Arg module for parsing command line options, which is comprised of three components (in the simple case, there are more complex use cases you can read about in the documentation):
An actual command line option
An action to take for the command (set a string, call a function, etc…)
A string that describes what the command does.
We can add an action for our logging function:
("-logging", A.Unit do_logging,
"instrument logging feature into the given dex");
Our handler simply sets the current task to do the instrumentation for logging (a function yet to be written):
let do_logging () = task := Some instrument_logging
We now simply need to write the instrument_logging function, which will run our logging instrumentation. At a high level, this function needs to:
- Load in the logging library
- Merge the logging library with the passed in application code
- Do the instrumentation we’ve set up in the
Logging module
- Dump the constructed output to a file
We can write this using a redexer’s built in combinators:
let instrument_logging (tx: D.dex) : unit =
let logging_library = "./tutorial/logging/bin/classes.dex" in
(* parse logging library *)
let chan = open_in_bin !lib in
let liblog = Parse.parse chan in
close_in chan;
(* merge the external dex file *)
let cx = Stats.time "merge" (Combine.combine liblog) tx in
(* seed new addresses for modification *)
Modify.seed_addr cx.Dex.header.Dex.file_size;
(* modify target dex accordingly *)
Logging.modify tx
(* finally, dump the rewritten dex *)
Stats.time "dump" (Dump.dump !dex) cx
In this code we have hard-coded the location of the library, but it could be changed to accept that as an argument. We parse the binary channel using the Parse module, and merge it with the existing application (in the tx argument) using the Combine module. One thing to note is the call to Modify.seed_addr . Whenever new code (instruction segments) is inserted inside a dex structure, redexer needs addresses to place the code (the dex structure is an integer keyed map, and the keys may not conflict). It doesn’t really matter where these “fresh” addresses are placed, because in the dump stage the links will be fixed up anyway, but they can’t conflict with existing addresses inside the dex binary. (Otherwise you will be overwriting old code! This is sometimes useful, for example, if rewriting a program to use a different version of some library.) We call Logging.modify to call the previous code we wrote.
Compiling and running
Now that you’ve got all of this running, you should be able to rebuild redexer:
After this, you should be able to run redexer on .dex files. However, apps are distributed in the form of an APK. To use redexer with APKs, we modify the scripts in the scripts/ directory. The main driver script is cmd.rb . Most of the code in cmd.rb calls small stubs in dex.rb , which in turn call the redexer binary. We add a little bit of code to the dex.rb script:
def self.logging(dex_name=DEX)
self.runcmd("#{REDEXER} #{dex_name} -logging #{QUIET}")
And then we add a bit of code to the main cmd.rb script to specify “logging” as an additional command line option by specifying another case in the option parser:
when "logging"
res = apk.send(cmd.to_sym)
if res != []
puts ARGV[0]
puts res
Inside apk.rb is a method which implements the logging command:
def logging()
And inside dex.rb is a method which actually calls redexer with the appropriate options:
def self.logging(dex_name=DEX)
self.runcmd("#{REDEXER} #{dex_name} -logging #{QUIET}")
This tutorial has demonstrated how to extend redexer to instrument apps to include logging information at certain Activity lifecycle methods. As next steps with redexer you might:
Read through the example’s full documentation in src/ext/logging.ml .
Try extending this example to log more complex information.
Try to understand the range of possible instructions that can be generated using redexer.
Much of redexer is infrastructure around a parser and dumper, where the main dex file structure is stored in the Dex and Instr modules. You can read through these files to get an idea of the kinds of manipulations that will be possible with redexer. After this, you can look into the existing extensions (in the src/ext/ subdirectory) to get an idea of what already exists (and how you might build on it!).