Module Dex

module Dex: sig .. end
This module provides utilities for manipulating Dalvik bytecode and DEX files, including functions for navigating bytecode file structures and generating new instruction sequences.


exception Wrong_dex of string
raise if something is logically incorrect
exception Wrong_match of string
raise if there is no other cases for match block
exception NOT_YET of string
raise if something is not implemented yet
type dex = {
   header :dex_header;
   d_string_ids :link DynArray.t;
   d_type_ids :link DynArray.t;
   d_proto_ids :proto_id_item DynArray.t;
   d_field_ids :field_id_item DynArray.t;
   d_method_ids :method_id_item DynArray.t;
   d_class_defs :class_def_item DynArray.t;
   mutable d_data :data_item Instr.IM.t;
The top-level representation of a DEX binary file
type link = 
| Idx of int
| Off of Instr.offset
encapsulation of in/direct access
type dex_header = {
   magic :string;
   checksum :int64;
   signature :char list;
   mutable file_size :int;
   header_size :int;
   endian_tag :endian;
   link :section;
   map_off :link;
   h_string_ids :section;
   h_type_ids :section;
   h_proto_ids :section;
   h_field_ids :section;
   h_method_ids :section;
   h_class_defs :section;
   h_data :section;
header_item format
type endian = 
| LITTLE (*ENDIAN_CONSTANT = 0x12345678*)
endian_tag within Dex.dex_header
type section = {
   size :int;
   offset :link;
a pair of size and offset, used at Dex.dex_header
type proto_id_item = {
   shorty :link;
   mutable return_type :link;
   parameter_off :link;
Dex.proto_id_item appears in the d_proto_ids
type field_id_item = {
   f_class_id :link;
   mutable f_type_id :link;
   f_name_id :link;
Dex.field_id_item appears in the d_field_ids
type method_id_item = {
   m_class_id :link;
   m_proto_id :link;
   m_name_id :link;
Dex.method_id_item appears in the d_method_ids
type class_def_item = {
   c_class_id :link;
   mutable c_access_flag :int;
   mutable superclass :link;
   mutable interfaces :link;
   source_file :link;
   annotations :link;
   mutable class_data :link;
   static_values :link;
Dex.class_def_item appears in the d_class_defs
type data_item = 
| MAP_LIST of map_item list
| TYPE_LIST of link list
| ANNO_SET_REF of link list (*annotation_set_ref_list*)
| ANNO_SET of link list (*annotation_set_item*)
| CLASS_DATA of class_data_item
| CODE_ITEM of code_item
| STRING_DATA of UTF8.t (*same as string*)
| DEBUG_INFO of debug_info_item
| ANNOTATION of annotation_item
| STATIC_VALUE of encoded_value list (*encoded_array*)
| ANNO_DIR of anno_dir_item
| INSTRUCTION of Instr.instr
| FILL_ARRAY of fill_array_data
| SWITCH of switch
items in the data pool, which appears in the d_data
type map_item = {
   type_of_item :type_code;
   mi_size :int;
   mi_offset :link;
map_item format for map_list, which appears in the d_data
type type_code = 
| TYPE_HEADER_ITEM (*0x0000*)
| TYPE_STRING_ITEM (*0x0001*)
| TYPE_TYPE_ID_ITEM (*0x0002*)
| TYPE_PROTO_ID_ITEM (*0x0003*)
| TYPE_FIELD_ID_ITEM (*0x0004*)
| TYPE_METHOD_ID_ITEM (*0x0005*)
| TYPE_CLASS_DEF_ITEM (*0x0006*)
| TYPE_MAP_LIST (*0x1000*)
| TYPE_TYPE_LIST (*0x1001*)
| TYPE_CODE_ITEM (*0x2001*)
type of the items, used at Dex.map_item
type class_data_item = {
   mutable static_fields :encoded_field list;
   mutable instance_fields :encoded_field list;
   mutable direct_methods :encoded_method list;
   mutable virtual_methods :encoded_method list;
Dex.class_data_item referenced from Dex.class_def_item
type encoded_field = {
   field_idx :link;
   f_access_flag :int;
Dex.encoded_field format used at Dex.class_data_item
type encoded_method = {
   method_idx :link;
   mutable m_access_flag :int;
   code_off :link;
Dex.encoded_method format used at Dex.class_data_item
type code_item = {
   mutable registers_size :int;
   mutable ins_size :int;
   mutable outs_size :int;
   mutable tries_size :int;
   mutable debug_info_off :link;
   mutable insns_size :int;
   insns :link DynArray.t;
   mutable tries :try_item list;
   mutable c_handlers :encoded_catch_handler list;
Dex.code_item referenced from Dex.encoded_method
type switch = {
   sw_base :link;
   sw_size :int;
   sw_keys :int list;
   sw_targets :link list;
packed-switch and sparse-switch format in insns of Dex.code_item
type fill_array_data = {
   ad_width :int;
   ad_size :int;
   ad_data :Instr.operand list;
fill-array-data format in insns of Dex.code_item
type try_item = {
   start_addr :link;
   end_addr :link;
   handler_off :link;
Dex.try_item format referenced from Dex.code_item
type encoded_catch_handler = {
   e_handlers :type_addr_pair list;
   catch_all_addr :link;
Dex.encoded_catch_handler format referenced from Dex.code_item
type type_addr_pair = {
   mutable ch_type_idx :link;
   addr :link;
encoded_type_addr_pair format referenced from Dex.encoded_catch_handler
type debug_info_item = {
   line_start :int;
   parameter_name :link list;
   mutable state_machine :(state_machine_instr * Instr.operand list) list;
Dex.debug_info_item referenced from Dex.code_item
type state_machine_instr = 
| DBG_ADVANCE_PC (*0x01*)
| DBG_START_LOCAL (*0x03*)
| DBG_END_LOCAL (*0x05*)
| DBG_SET_FILE (*0x09*)
| DBG_SPECIAL (*0x0a..0xff*)
byte code values for state_machine inside Dex.debug_info_item
type anno_dir_item = {
   class_anno_off :link;
   fields :anno_off list;
   methods :anno_off list;
   parameters :anno_off list;
annotations_directory_item referenced from Dex.class_def_item
type anno_off = {
   target :link;
   annotation_off :link;
(field|method|parameter)_annotation format used at Dex.anno_dir_item
type annotation_item = {
   visible :visibility;
   annotation :encoded_annotation;
Dex.annotation_item referenced from ANNO_SET
type visibility = 
Visibility values
type encoded_annotation = {
   mutable an_type_idx :link;
   elements :annotation_element list;
Dex.encoded_annotation format referenced from Dex.encoded_value
type annotation_element = {
   name_idx :link;
   mutable value :encoded_value;
Dex.annotation_element format referenced from Dex.encoded_annotation
type encoded_value = 
| VALUE_BYTE of int64 (*0x00*)
| VALUE_SHORT of int64 (*0x02*)
| VALUE_CHAR of int64 (*0x03*)
| VALUE_INT of int64 (*0x04*)
| VALUE_LONG of int64 (*0x06*)
| VALUE_FLOAT of int64 (*0x10*)
| VALUE_DOUBLE of int64 (*0x11*)
| VALUE_STRING of int (*0x17*)
| VALUE_TYPE of int (*0x18*)
| VALUE_FIELD of int (*0x19*)
| VALUE_METHOD of int (*0x1a*)
| VALUE_ENUM of int (*0x1b*)
| VALUE_ARRAY of encoded_value list (*0x1c*)
| VALUE_ANNOTATION of encoded_annotation (*0x1d*)
| VALUE_NULL (*0x1e*)
| VALUE_BOOLEAN of bool (*0x1f*)
Dex.encoded_value encoding embedded in Dex.annotation_element and encoded_array


val to_idx : int -> link
wrapping with Idx
val to_off : int -> link
wrapping with Off
val of_idx : link -> int
unwrapping Idx
val of_off : link -> int
unwrapping Off
val opr2idx : Instr.operand -> link
from OPR_INDEX to Idx
val opr2off : Instr.operand -> link
from OPR_OFFSET to Off
val idx2opr : link -> Instr.operand
from Idx to OPR_INDEX
val off2opr : link -> Instr.operand
from Off to OPR_OFFSET
val get_off : link -> Instr.offset
obtain 32-bits offset from Off
val str_to_endian : string -> endian
obtain Dex.endian from string representation
val endian_to_str : endian -> string
string representation of Dex.endian
val to_type_code : int -> type_code
convert int to corresponding Dex.type_code
val of_type_code : type_code -> int
get int value of given Dex.type_code
val type_code_to_str : type_code -> string
get string notation of given Dex.type_code
val machine_instr_to_str : state_machine_instr -> string
get string notation of given Dex.state_machine_instr

Access flags

type access_flag = 
| ACC_PUBLIC (*0x1, for all kinds*)
| ACC_PRIVATE (*0x2, for all kinds*)
| ACC_PROTECTED (*0x4, for all kinds*)
| ACC_STATIC (*0x8, for all kinds*)
| ACC_FINAL (*0x10, for all kinds*)
| ACC_SYNCHRONIZED (*0x20, only for methods*)
| ACC_VOLATILE (*0x40, only for fields*)
| ACC_BRIDGE (*0x40, only for methods*)
| ACC_TRANSIENT (*0x80, only for fields*)
| ACC_VARARGS (*0x80, only for methods*)
| ACC_NATIVE (*0x100, only for methods*)
| ACC_INTERFACE (*0x200, only for classes*)
| ACC_ABSTRACT (*0x400, except for fields*)
| ACC_STRICT (*0x800, only for methods*)
| ACC_SYNTHETIC (*0x1000, for all kinds*)
| ACC_ANNOTATION (*0x2000, only for classes*)
| ACC_ENUM (*0x4000, except for methods*)
| ACC_CONSTRUCTOR (*0x10000, only for methods*)
| ACC_DECLARED_SYNCHRONIZED (*0x20000, only for methods*)
indicate the accessibility
type acc_kind = 
distinguish targets for Dex.access_flag
val to_acc_flag : acc_kind -> access_flag list -> int
make int representation from bitfields of Dex.access_flag
val is_interface : int -> bool
true if ACC_INTERFACE is set
val pub : access_flag list
val spub : access_flag list
ACC_STATIC along with


val no_index : int
0xffffffff (= -1 if signed int)
val no_offset : int
val no_idx : link
wrapping Dex.no_index with Idx
val no_off : link
wrapping Dex.no_offset with Off
val get_data_item : dex -> link -> data_item
get Dex.data_item for given offset
val get_ins : dex -> link -> Instr.instr
get Instr.instr for given offset, raise Dex.Wrong_match unless INSTRUCTION
val is_ins : dex -> link -> bool
true if the item for given offset is Instr.instr
val get_str : dex -> link -> string
get string for given string id, raise Dex.Wrong_match unless STRING_DATA
val find_str : dex -> string -> link
find string id for given string, Dex.no_idx unless found
val get_ty_str : dex -> link -> string
get type name for given type id
val find_ty_str : dex -> string -> link
find type id for given string, Dex.no_idx unless found
val ty_comp : dex -> link -> link -> int
comparator for type ids
val get_ty_lst : dex -> link -> link list
get TYPE_LIST for given offset, raise Dex.Wrong_match unless TYPE_LIST
val get_fit : dex -> link -> field_id_item
get Dex.field_id_item for given field id
val get_mit : dex -> link -> method_id_item
get Dex.method_id_item for given method id
val get_pit : dex -> method_id_item -> proto_id_item
get Dex.proto_id_item for a given method.
val get_argv : dex -> method_id_item -> link list
get a list of arguments for given method
val get_rety : dex -> method_id_item -> link
get return type for given method
val fld_comp : dex -> field_id_item -> field_id_item -> int
comparator for field signatures: field name and type
val ty_lst_comp : dex -> link list -> link list -> int
comparator for a list of type ids
val ty_lst_comp_relaxed : dex -> link list -> link list -> int
comparator for a list of type ids, but ignore the package name for types.
val mtd_comp : dex -> method_id_item -> method_id_item -> int
comparator for method signatures: method name, return type, and arguments
val mtd_comp_relaxed : dex -> method_id_item -> method_id_item -> int
comparator for method signatures: method name, return type, and arguments, but ignore the package name for return types and arguments.
val get_cid_from_fid : dex -> link -> link
get class id from field id
val get_cid_from_mid : dex -> link -> link
get class id from method id
val get_fld_name : dex -> link -> string
get name for given field
val get_mtd_name : dex -> link -> string
get name for given method
val get_cid : dex -> string -> link
get class id from name, Dex.no_idx unless found
val get_cdef : dex -> link -> class_def_item
get Dex.class_def_item for given class id, raise Not_found unless found
val get_superclass : dex -> link -> link
get superclass id for given class, Dex.no_idx if it's at the top level
val get_superclasses : dex -> link -> link list
get superclasses for a given class.
val get_interfaces : dex -> link -> link list
get implemented interfaces of a given class
val in_hierarchy : dex -> (link -> bool) -> link -> bool
check that some property (given as a function to bool) holds in hierarchy starting from the given class
val is_superclass : dex -> link -> link -> bool
check whether some class is a superclass (up through the hierarchy) of a given class.
val get_flds : dex -> link -> (link * field_id_item) list
get all fields, along with ids, for given class
val get_fldS : dex -> link -> (link * field_id_item) list
get all fields, along with ids, for given class and superclasses
val get_the_fld : dex -> link -> string -> link * field_id_item
get the specific field of given class and given field name
val own_the_fld : dex -> link -> link -> bool
true if the class owns the field
val get_mtds : dex -> link -> (link * method_id_item) list
get all methods, along with ids, for given class
val get_mtdS : dex -> link -> (link * method_id_item) list
get all methods, along with ids, for given class and superclasses
val get_supermethod : dex -> link -> link -> link
get overriden method at the superclass for given class and method, Dex.no_idx unless overridable
val get_the_mtd : dex -> link -> string -> link * method_id_item
get the specific method of given class and given method name
val get_the_mtd_shorty : dex -> link -> string -> string -> link * method_id_item
get the specific method of given class, method name, and shorty descriptor (useful for overloading)
val own_the_mtd : dex -> link -> link -> bool
true if the class owns the method
val get_cdata : dex -> link -> link * class_data_item
get Dex.class_data_item for given class, raise Dex.Wrong_match unless CLASS_DATA
val get_emtd : dex -> link -> link -> encoded_method
get Dex.encoded_method for given class and method, raise Dex.Wrong_dex if such method is not defined
val get_citm : dex -> link -> link -> link * code_item
get Dex.code_item for given class and method, raise Dex.Wrong_match unless CODE_ITEM
val calc_this : code_item -> int
calculate a register number that holds this pointer

Modification helper

val empty_section : unit -> section
empty Dex.section
val empty_dex : unit -> dex
empty Dex.dex
val empty_citm : unit -> code_item
empty Dex.code_item
val insrt_data : dex -> link -> data_item -> unit
insert Dex.data_item into the data pool
val rm_data : dex -> link -> unit
remove Dex.data_item in the data pool
val insrt_ins : dex -> link -> Instr.instr -> unit
insert Instr.instr into the data pool
val insrt_str : dex -> link -> string -> unit
insert string into the data pool
val insrt_ty_lst : dex -> link -> link list -> unit
insert TYPE_LIST into the data pool
val insrt_stt : dex -> link -> encoded_value list -> unit
insert STATIC_VALUE into the data pool
val insrt_citm : dex -> link -> code_item -> unit
insert Dex.code_item into the data pool

Web Accessibility