ACM-W - "ACM-W is the ACM committee on Women in Computing. It celebrates, informs and supports women in computing, and works with the ACM-W community of computer scientists, educators, employers and policy makers to improve working and learning environments for women."
Anita Borg Institute - "Through our work every day, the Anita Borg Institute seeks to increase the impact of women on all aspects of technology, and increase the positive impact of technology on the world's women."
AWIS - "AWIS is the Association for Women in Science. We are a non-profit association which works to promote women's activities in all scientific fields, from mentoring to scholarships to job listings."
CWIT - "The Center for Women and Information Technology (CWIT), established at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) in July 1998, is dedicated to providing global leadership in achieving women's full participation in all aspects of information technology (IT)... The mission has three objectives: to encourage more women and girls to prepare for careers and become leaders in information technology, to communicate information related to the richness and breadth of women's lives, concerns, and possibilities using technology, [and] to foster research concerning gender and information technology."
Center for Work-Life Policy - "The Center for Work-Life Policy (CWLP) undertakes research and works with employers to design, promote, and implement workplace policies that increase productivity and enhance personal/family well-being. CWLP is committed to promoting policies that enable individuals to realize their full potential across the divides of gender, race and class."
CRA-W - "The goal of the CRA Committee on the Status of Women in Computing research (CRA-W) is to take positive action to increase the number of women participating in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) research and education at all levels."
IEEE Women in Engineering - "WIE mission: Inspire, engage, encourage, and empower IEEE women worldwide. WIE vision: A vibrant community of IEEE women and men innovating the world of tomorrow."
Image of Computing Task Force - "The Image of Computing Task Force leads a national coordination effort to expose a realistic view of opportunities in computing." This includes building "appreciation of the importance of computing to society and the positive impact is has on our quality of life".
MentorNet - "MentorNet is the award-winning nonprofit e-mentoring network that addresses the retention and success of those in engineering, science and mathematics, particularly but not exclusively women and other underrepresented groups."
National Academy of Sciences Committee on Women in Academic Science and Engineering
SWE - "The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is a not-for-profit educational and service organization that empowers women to succeed and advance in the field of engineering, and to be recognized for their life-changing contributions as engineers and leaders. Founded in 1950, SWE is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable career for women through an exciting array of training and development programs, networking opportunities, scholarships, outreach and advocacy activities, and much more."
Systers - "We are a community for technical women in computing that began in 1987 as a small mailing list for women in 'systems'. It was founded by Anita Borg and is a program of the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology... There are approximately 2300 Systers in at least 35 countries around the world."
CRA-W Career Mentoring Workshop
CRA-W Grad Cohort for Women Program
Google Workshop for Women Engineers
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
Ohio CWIC, Indiana WIC, Michigan CWIC - Regional Celebrations of Women in Computing
Women in Science - "Are women victims of a widespread bias in science and engineering, as a 2006 report of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) concluded? Or are there alternative explanations for the paucity of women in various quantitative fields? What, if anything, is to be done to encourage more women engineers and scientists? This conference, hosted and organized by AEI resident scholar Christina Hoff Sommers, will feature commissioned papers from several outstanding scholars and bring together thinkers from all sides of the debate." Transcripts, audio, and video are available on the website.
ACM-W scholarships for attendance at research conferences
AT&T Labs Graduate Fellowship Program
National Physical Science Consortium Graduate Fellowship Program
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
University of Maryland health insurance information for students with fellowships
University of Maryland Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowships
University of Maryland Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grants
CRA-W Career Mentoring Workshops Booklet
CRA-W Graduate Student Information Guide
Graduate Study in the Computer and Mathematical Sciences: A Survival Manual by Dianne O'Leary. PDF and Postscript versions also available.
Grad's Mental Makeover - "The 2004 Berkeley Graduate Student Mental Health survey indicates that almost half of graduate students at Berkeley report having emotional or stress-related problems that seriously affect their well-being... Women graduate students report significantly more mental health struggles than the men graduates." This website presents coping skills.
Oreilly's Women in Technology articles - "This series is comprised of articles written by women on the topic of 'Women in Technology.'"
Overcoming the Impostor Syndrome
The Woman's Guide to Navigating the Ph.D. in Engineering & Science by Barbara Lazarus et al.
AARCS - "Auburn University proposes African-American Researchers in Computing Sciences (AARCS), a program that aims to broaden the participation of African-Americans at the levels of tenure track faculty and research scientist in the computing sciences... African-American students across the Southeast will be exposed to role models, research, and graduate school opportunities, as well as mentoring."
CSCAP - Computer Science Curriculum Accessibility Program at Winona State University and Saint Mary's University - " is an international forum for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender women from academia, industry, and government labs. We welcome people from all areas of computing – computer science, computer engineering, information technology, informatics and information systems. The forum seeks to provide an area for collaboration where we can share experiences, resources, and a place to connect with one another."
NOGLSTP - National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals. "We are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and allies. Those of us who are able, are out and proud. We advocate equal employment opportunity, professional networking, role modeling, science education, and scientific freedom/responsibility. We practice science and engineering with PRIDE."
Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Minority Graduate Students in Computer Science - Report published by CRA
Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing
SACNAS - "The mission of SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science) is to encourage Chicano/Latino and Native American students to pursue graduate education and obtain the advanced degrees necessary for science research, leadership, and teaching careers at all levels."
Science Access Project - The Science Access Project at Oregon State University
University of Maryland Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering - "Established in 1981 as a unit within the School of Engineering, the Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering provides academic support services and outreach programs designed to recruit, retain, and graduate African American, Hispanic American, and Native American engineering students."
University of Maryland CS Latino Group
University of Maryland SCORE - "CMPS S.C.O.R.E. (Student Community for Outreach, Retention & Excellence) was established for the expressed purpose of recruiting, retaining, and supporting underrepresented minority students (African American, Latino/a, and Native American) in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences at the University of Maryland, College Park."
Beyond These Walls - "Beyond These Walls is a local outreach student group at the University of Maryland. We build meaningful relationships between students and members of the local community through a variety of service projects involving direct interaction between volunteers from campus and community members."
Campus Compliance at Office of Human Relations - "Campus Compliance is the vehicle through which the University of Maryland works to eliminate discrimination on campus and, to some extent, beyond it."
Center for Teaching Excellence - "Its purpose is to support the campus-wide efforts to enhance and reform undergraduate education and to offer tangible assistance to individual faculty and TAs as well as to the departments and colleges in which they work."
Counseling Center - "Many students encounter a variety of personal, social, career, and academic issues that call for assistance beyond advice provided by friends and family. Fortunately, the Counseling Center provides free and confidential services by professional counselors to all UM students."
Counseling Center's self help articles - Topics include procrastination, feeling overwhelmed, and academic success.
Graduate Lambda Coalition - LGBT student organization
GSG's 6 Things Every Grad Student Should Know
Hear the Turtle Toastmasters Club - Develop your speaking skills in a friendly, supportive group
HELP Center - Peer counseling and crisis intervention hotline (301-314-HELP)
Maryland Teachers and Researchers - "Addressing the concerns of graduate employees through collective action"
Ph.D. Completion Project Workshop Series
Who are your Department Council and Education Committee representatives?
Who are your GSG representatives?
Women's groups in other departments