Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing - "In Unlocking the Clubhouse, social scientist Jane Margolis and computer scientist and educator Allan Fisher examine the many influences contributing to the gender gap in computing. The book is based on interviews with more than 100 computer science students of both sexes from Carnegie Mellon University, a major center of computer science research, over a period of four years, as well as classroom observations and conversations with hundreds of college and high school faculty."
Recruitment and Retention of Women Graduate Students in Computer Science and Engineering - Report published by CRA in 2000
The Incredible Shrinking Pipeline (short version) - Paper by Tracy Camp (1997)
The Incredible Shrinking Pipeline (full version) - Paper by Denise Gurer and Tracy Camp (1997)
Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering - Report published in 2007 by the Committee on Maximizing the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine
Becoming a Computer Scientist - Report by the ACM committee on the status of women in computing science (1990).
The Athena Factor: Reversing the Brain Drain in Science, Engineering, and Technology - Report published by the Center for Work-Life Policy.
CRA Taulbee Survey - "The Taulbee Survey is the principal source of information on the enrollment, production, and employment of Ph.D.s in computer science and computer engineering (CS & CE) and in providing salary and demographic data for faculty in CS & CE in North America. Statistics given include gender and ethnicity breakdowns."
NSF Data - "This site provides data on the participation of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and engineering education and employment. The data are organized by topic and are presented in tables, graphics, and spreadsheets for downloading."
The Ada Project (TAP) - "The Ada Project (TAP) is a clearinghouse for information and resources related to women in computing. TAP serves primarily as a collection of links to other online resources, rather than as an archive. TAP includes information on conferences, projects, disucssion groups and organizations, fellowships and grants, notable women in Computer Science, and other electronically accessible sites."
ACM-W's Online Database of Articles on Women and Computing
EFF "Net Culture -- Gender Issues" Archive - Archive of gender-related articles published by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a civil liberties group.
Women in Computer Science: No Shortage Here! - "The dwindling number of women pursuing a degree in CS is a growing frustration for many countries around the globe, but in Malaysia female CS/IT students outnumber the males. What accounts for this dichotomy?"
Leveling the CS1 Playing Field - "This paper includes several reasons for the underrepresentation of women in computing, and then describes two low-cost project instances that address the reasons for the decline in women's enrollment in computing classes. One project spans seven semesters from fall 2000 to spring 2006 at a small liberal arts school; the other, the spring 2006 semester at a large research institution. Concluding sections provide anecdotal and statistical evidence that the project is successful over two time periods within two diverse schools."
Accessibility of Computer Science: A Reflection for Faculty Members - Paper by Dianne O'Leary. "Over the past twenty years, the student population in Computer Science departments has become increasingly male, and the number of women among faculty members has remained quite small. Thus, many academic Computer Science Departments are almost exclusively male environments. These notes are meant to be a contribution to dialog on the implications of this fact for premier departments." Postscript version also available.