All manuscripts submitted for possible publication in the ACM SIGMETRICS
2001 / Performance 2001 conference must be submitted electronically.
Please follow the "easy to use" instructions (below) for
submitting your paper electronically.
Your paper must either be in printable postscript or in PDF
format. No other document formats will be accepted.
Please make sure that the pages are numbered.
Since we are not postscript/PDF experts, we regret that we can not attempt
to modify your document to make it printable. Nor can we help you determine
why it is not printable. We must be able to print the document just
as we receive it.
Here are the three steps for submitting your paper:
- Before actually submitting your paper, you must first
register your paper.
You will be asked
for author contact information, as well as the title, authorship, keywords,
and abstract of your paper. After you (the contact author) have registered
your paper, you will receive an email message giving you the
paper id number. If possible, please include this paper id number
somewhere in your paper; for instance, you can include it instead
of the authors' names (since authors' names must be removed for
the "double blind" reviewing process).
- You will submit your paper by uploading it via ftp to our site.
(Please remember to remove authors' names and affiliations
before you submit the paper.)
Before uploading your paper, you will need to name the file
containing your paper. The name of your file should be formed from
the paper id you received via email, the initials of the first
author and the current date/time as shown in the following example.
Suppose the paper id is 5, the first author is
John Q. Public, the date is October 15, 2000,
the local time is 11:45 (24hr clock) and you are submitting
a postscript file. In this case, you must name the file Don't worry about the accuracy of the local
time that you use; it need not be exact.
Please do not submit a compressed file. We may not have the software
needed to uncompress it.
- Finally, you can submit your paper using anonymous FTP.
Follow the steps below:
- ftp to
- login as user ftp and give your name or email address as
- change to the directory /incoming/sigmetrics2001
- use the FTP bin command to change mode to binary
- use the FTP put command to upload your file to our ftp site.
Note: Directory listing of our ftp site is disabled, so you will not
be able to do an "ls" command
to see your submitted file listed on our site.
Once you have submitted your file, we will print it (to check that it is
indeed printable). You will receive a confirmation email for your paper
within two working days. If you have any questions, please contact us via
email at
Thanks for your interest in ACM SIGMETRICS 2001 / Performance 2001!