CMSC 412

Operating Systems

Fall 2023


Here are the slides from lecture:

Set 1  Course Overview

Set 2  Introduction

Set 3 X-86 Architecture

Set 4 Geek OS

Set 5 Structures

Set 6 Processes

Set 7 Threads

Set 8 Synchronization

Set 9 Synchronization Continued Distributed Mutual Exclusion

Set 10 Synchronization Examples

Set 11 Deadlocks

Set 12 CPU Scheduling

Set 13 Memory Management

Set 14 Virtual Memory

Set 15 Mass Storage

Set 16 I/O Systems

Set 17 File Systems

Set 18 File System Implementation

Set 19 Security

Set 20 Protection

Set 21 Virtual Machines

Set 22 Clouds etc.



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