Development Environment
What you need to run Java on
your personal computer:
Java (J2SE 1.4.2). For Windows and Linux.
It is built in to Mac OS X.
This site is confusing. Click on the SDK link
for "Download J2SE v1.4.2_03"
On Windows, you need admin privileges.
Eclipse, the free
multi-platform Java IDE we use.
Download the "3.0 Stream Stable Build".
Currently 3.0M7
Just unzip and run from the place you unzip it
DrJava, the
plug-in for Eclipse we use
Unzip and copy the files into the "plugins" subdirectory
of eclipse
AutoCVS, the plug-in
for Eclipse we use to manage CVS
Unzip and copy the files into the "plugins" subdirectory
of eclipse
Note: If you have any trouble launching
Eclipse after adding the DrJava or AutoCVS plugin,
close eclipse, delete the ".config" subdirectory in
the Eclipse directory, and restart eclipse.
Things that may be useful for this course:
WinZip. A
utility for managing .zip files.
Note that it is $29, but the evaluation version is
fully functional and does not expire.
Tera Term Pro: An SSH (secure shell) program for
connecting to WAM from a PC