Bao N. Nguyen

Bao N. Nguyen works in the
Platform User Interface team at VMWare, where he develops
User Interface libraries for all VMWare products. He completed his PhD in
2013 from
the Department of Computer Science, the
University of Maryland. He received the BS degree in Computer Science with
first class honors from Vietnam National University in 2005. He recieved the
MS degree in Computer Science from the University of Maryland in 2009. He
was awarded the Vietnam Education Foundation fellowship for his PhD
research. His research interests include software testing, reverse
engineering and empirical software engineering; with a focus on adaptive
approaches for model-based GUI testing.
Penelope Brooks

Penelope Brooks is a Program Manager at Raytheon SI Government Solutions,
currently managing several cybersecurity programs. She is also brought in
on many other programs as the Subject Matter Expert (SME) on software
testing, to prepare teams for the final testing that many customers require.
Prior to joining Raytheon, she was a software testing researcher at the US
Corporate Research Center of ABB, Inc. She received a BA in Computer
Science from the University of Maine, followed by an MS in Computer Science
from the Air Force Institute of Technology, and her PhD from the University
of Maryland. Penelope's primary research interest is in automated testing.
She is a member of the ACM and IEEE and has served as a reviewer for several
reputable journals.
Jaymie Strecker

Jaymie Strecker is a software developer with experience in industry and research. She works with Kosada in Athens, OH, where she
develops and tests Quartz Composer plugins and desktop and mobile applications. In addition to her software development
experience, she's provided IT support and been a visiting professor. Originally from Marietta, OH, Jaymie received a Bachelor's
degree in math and computer science from the College of Wooster and a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland.
Xun Yuan

Xun Yuan is a Software Engineer in Test in Google. She received her BS in
Computer Science in 1998 from the Huazhong University of Science &
Technology, her MS in Computer Science in 2001 from the Institute of
Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and her PhD in Computer Science from
the University of Maryland, College Park. Her research interests
include program
testing and software engineering.
Scott McMaster

Scott McMaster is a Software Design Engineer at Google and an adjunct
instructor at Seattle University. He received the BS degree in
mathematics from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, in 1994, the
master~Rs degree in software engineering from Seattle University in
2001, and PhD degree from University of Maryland, College Park, in
2008. His research interests include software testing, program
analysis, software tools, and distributed systems. He is a member of
the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society.
Cyntrica Eaton

Cyntrica Eaton is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Norfolk State University.
She is currently
developing a community of contributors and experts who will collectively
synthesize, fortify, and refine a knowledge base that enables detection,
diagnosis, and correction of configuration faults.
She is applying this knowledge
to the domain of
web application development
where end-users have expanded flexibility in web access options and the client
configurations used to explore the web are highly varied. Engaging a community
of users with varied configurations in the process of web configuration fault
detection/correction could significantly improve the feasibility of
comprehensive analysis.
Qing Xie

Qing Xie is a Researcher at the Accenture Technology Labs. She received her
BS in Computer Science in 1996 from the South China University of
Technology, her MS and PhD in Computer Science in 2002 and 2006 respectively
from the University of Maryland, College Park. She is a recipient of best
paper awards from the International Conference of Software Testing,
Verification and validation (ICST'09) and International Symposium on
Software Reliability and Engineering (ISSRE'10).
Her research interests include program testing, software engineering,
software maintenance, and empirical studies. She is a member of the ACM
Sigsoft and the IEEE Computer Society and has served on program committees
of several international conferences and as the reviewers of reputable
Ishan Banerjee

Ishan Banerjee is
presently employed at VMware Inc. where he works on core components
of the VMkernel operating system.
He is also a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science
at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Adithya Nagarajan

Adithya Nagarajan is
a Senior Software Lead Engineer in Microsoft. He
graduated from VNIT Nagpur, India with a bachelor's degree in
Metallurgical Engineering. He earned a masters degree in Systems
Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2003. He
has several years of experience working on Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) solution primarily focusing on Retail industry. Over
past year, he has been working at Microsoft Search (Bing) on social
stack making search personally relevant with social data and context
from Facebook and Twitter. He is responsible for delivering services
for the Bing-Facebook integration.