Copyright Notice: The papers presented here are to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work and only for personal or classroom use. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors and/or by other copyright holders.
- VoroCrust: Voronoi Meshing without Clipping
- with Chandrajit Bajaj, Mohamed Ebeida, Ahmed Mahmoud, Scott Mitchell, John Owens and Ahmad Rushdi
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) & SIGGRAPH 2020
[arXiv] - Certified Defenses for Adversarial Patches
- with Ping-yeh Chiang, Renkun Ni, Chen Zhu, Chris Studor, and Tom Goldstein
ICLR 2020
[OpenReview] - Headless Horseman: Adversarial Attacks on Transfer Learning Models
- with Michael J. Curry, Liam Fowl, Tom Goldstein, Avi Schwarzschild, Manli Shu, Christoph Studer, and Chen Zhu
ICASSP 2020 (oral) - Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching with Non-Euclidean and
Weighted Distances
- with Sunil Arya, Guilherme D. da Fonseca, and David M. Mount
SODA 2019
[SIAM] [Presentation] - Economical Delone Sets for Approximating Convex Bodies
- with David M. Mount
SWAT 2018
[LIPIcs] [PDF] [Presentation] - Sampling Conditions for Conforming Voronoi Meshing by the VoroCrust Algorithm
- with Chandrajit Bajaj, Mohamed Ebeida, Ahmed Mahmoud, Scott Mitchell, John Owens, and Ahmad Rushdi
SoCG 2018
[LIPIcs] [Full version] [Presentation] - A Constrained Resampling Strategy for Mesh Improvement
- with Ahmed H. Mahmoud, Ahmad A. Rushdi, Scott A. Mitchell, John D. Owens, and Mohamed S. Ebeida
SGP 2017
[CGF] [PDF] [Code and Data] - A Seed Placement Strategy for Conforming Voronoi Meshing
- with Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Mohamed S. Ebeida, and Scott A. Mitchell
CCCG 2017
[PDF] [Presentation] [Recorded Talk] - Argus: Realistic Target Coverage by Drones
- with Ahmed Saeed, Azin Neishaboori, Mouhyemen Khan, Khaled Harras, and Amr Mohamed
IPSN 2017 - Full version appeared in the ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN)
[IEEEXplore] [PDF] - [ACM DL] [arXiv] - Recovering Visibility and Dodging Obstacles in Pursuit-Evasion Games
CIG 2016
[IEEEXplore] [PDF] [Pitch Slide] [Poster] - 2048 Without New Tiles Is Still Hard
- with Aditya Acharya and Philip Dasler
FUN 2016
[LIPIcs] [Playable Gadgets] - The Inapproximability of Illuminating Polygons by α-Floodlights
- with Ahmed Saeed, Khaled Harras, and Amr Mohamed
CCCG 2015
[PDF] [Presentation] - Angular Heuristics for Coverage Maximization in Multi-Camera Surveillance
- with Moamen Mokhtar and Hazem El-Alfy
AVSS 2012
[IEEEXplore] [PDF] [Poster] - Visibility Induction for Discretized Pursuit-Evasion Games
- with Hazem El-Alfy
AAAI 2012
[PDF] [Lightning Slide] [Poster] - Analysis of a Device-Free Passive Tracking System in Typical Wireless Environments
- with Ahmed E. Kosba and Moustafa Youssef
NTMS 2009
[IEEEXplore] [PDF] [Presentation]
Workshop Abstracts & Demo Papers
- Topological Distance Between Nonplanar Transportation Networks
- with Geoff Boeing, Brittany Terese Fasy, and David Millman
FWCG 2018
[PDF] [Presentation] - Sampling Conditions for Conforming Voronoi Meshing by the VoroCrust Algorithm
- with Chandrajit Bajaj, Mohamed Ebeida, Ahmed Mahmoud, Scott Mitchell, John Owens, and Ahmad Rushdi
MME 2018
[PDF] [YouTube] - Sampling Conditions for Clipping-free Voronoi Meshing by the VoroCrust Algorithm
- with Scott Mitchell, Ahmad Rushdi, Mohamed Ebeida, Ahmed Mahmoud, John Owens, and Chandrajit Bajaj
FWCG 2017
[PDF] [Presentation] - Homology Localization by Hierarchical Blowups
CG:YRF, SoCG 2016
[PDF] [Pitch Slide] [Presentation] - Brands in NewsStand: Spatio-Temporal Browsing of Business News
- with Emily Hand and Hanan Samet
[ACM DL] [PDF] [Poster] - 2048 is NP-Complete
- with Aditya Acharya and Philip Dasler
CG:YRF, SoCG 2015
[PDF] [Pitch Slide] [Playable Gadgets] - Steiner Point Reduction in Planar Delaunay Meshes
- with Scott A. Mitchell and Mohamed S. Ebeida
CG:YRF, SoCG 2014
[PDF] [Pitch Slide] [Presentation]
- Optimization Problems in Visual Surveillance
- with Hazem Elalfy, Mina Abd-el-malek, Amr Abdelrazek
Master's Thesis, 2013
[PDF] - An Accurate Zero-Configuration DfP Localization System for Typical Wireless Environments
- with Ahmed Eleryan, Ahmed E. Kosba, Mohamed Elsabagh, Moustafa Youssef
Bachelor's Thesis, 2009