Specific Observations: Mexico
The number of hops on the route to this site ranged from 16 to 17 hops. Significant packet losses were observed on this connection. The loss rates mostly varied from 0.075% to 18.02%. At one particular run however, 02/15/98 at 12:15,the loss rate was at 29.93%. The range of loss percentage for the other sites is given below:
Bethesda: 0.05% to 2.66%
Canada: 0.01% to 1.35%
Chicago: 0% to 2.33%
Italy: 0.767% to 40.08%
Taiwan: 1.26% to 15.22%
Average round trip times experienced by packets on this link varied from 0.122 sec to 0.411 sec. This is very high when compared to the range of average RTT value for Bethesda, Canada and Chicago, but is comparable to Italy and Taiwan:
Bethesda: 0.015 to 0.025 sec
Canada: 0.039 to 0.089sec
Chicago: 0.121 to 0.198 sec
Italy: 0.232 to 0.923 sec
Taiwan: 0.309 to 0.432 sec
Max RTT fluctuated between 0.368 sec and 5.587 sec, while the min RTT ranged from 0.116 sec to 0.136 sec. It is interesting to note that the max RTT value is about 3-41 times the min RTT values. There was a high variability in reorders to this site. The number of reordered packets ranged from 1 to 73. The RTT plot on 02/15/98 at 12:15 exhibits a step behavior. After starting at a lower RTT value of approximately 0.128 sec, there was a sudden jump in the RTT values to about 0.265sec. Also, on the same plot, we observed that at lower values of RTT, there were low losses followed by heavy losses at the higher RTT values. On 02/20/98 at 06:15, we observed many instances of silent periods (periods in which no packets got delivered), which lasted between packet numbers 8271 and 9726, 16626 and 18013, 25169 and 26064, 26159 and 29284, and 31903 and 32259. A total of 7446 packets (16.55%) were lost. Of the lost packets 99.70% reached the destination host, but got lost on the reverse path and 0.30% of the lost packets were lost on the forward path. This was also the run that had maximum number (73) of out-of-sequence packets.
[Bethesda] [Canada] [Chicago] [Mexico] [Italy] [Taiwan]
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