Combinatorics and Algorithms for Real Problems

FAQ (Frequencly Asked Questions - and their answers!)

  • Q: What is the stipend, housing, food, travel situation?

  • A: $7000 stipend, free housing in dorms, Food money, and travel will be reimbursed. Travel to and from the program is reimbursed.

  • Q: Is it okay if I apply, and get in, but then turn you down?

  • A: Yes! If we accept you we will give you a date you must decide by (which can be extended). Saying NO is FINE. Saying YES is FINE. Not responding is TERRIBLE!. Saying YES and then changing your mind to a NO is TERRIBLE.

  • Q: Another program has accepted you and I still do not know about your program. What do I do?

  • A: Email me ( and I may give you an early decision. Note that it might be no.

  • Q: Is the program hard to get into?

  • A: Yes. In 2024 we got around 400 applicants for 15 positions. Hence we advice you to apply to all REU's that you are happy to go to.

  • Q: Can I take a Summer Course or a Summer Job while in the program

  • A: NO.