Treemap 4.0 Documentation

How large a tree could I display with Treemap?

  • We have not implemented Treemap to work successfully with an extremely large data file. However, we have successfully checked Treemap with the following:

    • Mapping a directory comprising of 54,000 files with 20 levels.

    • Data Files with 25,000 nodes along with 8-9 attributes.

  • The size of the tree you want to display with Treemap also depends on the amount of memory allocated to run Treemap.

  • To specify the maximum memory used by a Java Program, you can pass the -Xmx parameter to java on the command line. For example to set the max memory for Treemap to be 256 megs, change the run.bat file to look like this:

    java -Xmx256m -jar Treemap.jar

  • If you don't specify a maximum size, then the default maximum size is taken as 64 megs. If the Java program ever tries to use more memory then this maximum size, you will see a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError (if you have the console open).


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