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Recent News & Accomplishments


The paper Social Trust Based Web Service Composition", by Ugur Kuter and Jennifer Golbeck, has won the Best Paper Award at the 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2009). Ugur Kuter received his Ph.D. from our department in 2006. He is now an Assistant Research Scientist in UMIACS. Jennifer Golbeck received her Ph.D. from our department in 2005. She is now an Assistant Professor in the College of Information Studies and an Affiliate Assistant Professor in our department.  read more
Mike Hicks has been invited (and accepted) to serve on DARPA's ISAT panel. ISAT was established in 1987 by DARPA to support its technology offices, providing continuing and independent assessment of the state of advanced information science and technology and their relationship to DoD issues. Please join me in congratulating Mike.  read more
Dr. Jorge Lobo has been elevated to the rank of Distinguished Scientist by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Jorge received his Ph.D. in computer science in 1990 under the direction of Professor Emeritus Jack Minker. Jorge currently works at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Laboratory.  read more
Professor Emeritus Marvin Zelkowitz gave a keynote talk on The Science of Software Engineering" at the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering, Orlando, Florida, October 15-16, 2009.  read more
Geri Gay, Kenneth J. Bissett Professor and Chair of Communication at Cornell University presents Mobile Health - Social Influence and Emotional Support in Context". Date: October 22, 2009 Time: 4:00 pm Location: CSIC Building, Room 1115 This talk will focus on how mobile phones can be used to employ various forms of motivation, both social and individual, to encourage healthy behavior. Motivators such as competition, cooperation, control, and recognition that have been leveraged to bring about behavior change in many circumstances. Social influence has been shown to play an important role in...  read more
Jon Kleinberg, Tisch University Professor from Cornell University presents Meme-tracking, Scheduling, and the Dynamics of the News Cycle". Date: October 15, 2009 Time: 4:00 pm Location: CSIC Building, Room 1115 The flow of news through on-line networks has created a complex landscape of media sources and led to rich datasets that provide glimpses into how news is produced, shaped, and consumed. We begin by discussing methods for studying how news stories spread through such a system, using an approach that tracks short pieces of as they travel and mutate across news sources. This type of...  read more
The International Children's Digital Library was named a winner of the 2009 Digital Education Award which recognizes exceptional web sites and projects focused on K - 12 and higher education. Congratulations to Allison Druin and Ben Bederson on this achievement.  read more
Randy Baden, Adam Bender, Professor Neil Spring, Professor Bobby Bhattacharjee, and Daniel Starin received the SIGCOMM 2009 Best Student Paper Award for their paper "Persona: An Online Social Network with User-defined Privacy."  read more
NetGrok , a tool for visualizing computer networks in real-time, was featured in a cover story on security visualization for the September 2009 issue of Linux Magazine . Netgrok was developed by CS graduate students Ryan Blue, Cody Dunne, Adam Fuchs, Kyle King and Aaron Shulman as part of a Spring 2008 Information Visualization course.  read more
A paper by Kutluhan Erol, PhD graduate and Professors Jim Hendler and Dana Nau has received an honorable mention for the ICAPS Influential Paper award, which will be awarded at the ICAPS-2009 conference in Greece this September. The award honors the authors of a significant and influential paper" in automated planning and scheduling, published at least 10 years ago in one of the ICAPS family of conferences (ICAPS, ECP, EWSP, AIPS). The paper is: K. Erol, J. Hendler, and D. S. Nau. UMCP: A sound and complete procedure for hierarchical task-network planning. In Proc. International Conf. on AI...  read more

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