Sahinalp Named CS Distinguished Alumnus
We are pleased to announce that S. Cenk Sahinalp has been named a University of Maryland Computer Science Department Distinguished Alumnus.
Dr. Sahinalp is a Professor of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University. He received his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Bilkent University and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Maryland, College Park in 1997 under the supervision of Prof. Uzi Vishkin. He has been a postdoctoral fellow at Bell Labs, Murray Hill, a faculty member at University of Warwick, a research fellow at Center for BioInformatics, University of Pennsylvania and a visiting scientist at DIMACS, Bell Labs, and AT&T Research. Before moving to SFU he was on the faculty of Case Western Reserve University, where he co-founded the Center for Computational Genomics. At SFU, he directs the Lab for Computational Biology as the Canada Research Chair in Computational Genomics. He is also a visiting faculty at Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington and the Vancouver Prostate Centre. His research focuses on computational genomics and biomolecular sequence analysis, RNA structure and interaction prediction, network biology and algorithms for chemoinformatics.
The Department welcomes comments, suggestions and corrections. Send email to editor [-at-] cs [dot] umd [dot] edu.