Week | Topics | Lecture Slides and Code Examples | Work | Lab Slides and Code Examples |
Week #1 (May 27) |
Course Intro, Computer Systems, Software Tools, Object-Oriented Terminology, Rules for Java Identifiers, Assignment, Primitive Types, Simple Output, Operators, Strings, Input (Scanner) |
CourseIntro.pdf CompOrgEclipseIntro.pdf JavaIntro.pdf JavaVariablesTypes.pdf JavaVariablesTypesCode.zip StringScanner.pdf StringScannerCode.zip |
Install Eclipse P1 Out (Thurs) | |
Week #2 (June 3) |
Conditionals, Logical Operators, Block Statements, Precedence Rules, Style, Symbolic Constants, and Assignment Operators, Loops (while/do while/for), Random Numbers, Short-circuiting, and Input (JOptionPane) |
CondStmtStyle.pdf CondStmtStyleCode.zip LoopsWhileDoWhile.pdf LoopsWhileDoWhileCode.zip |
P2 Out (Mon) |
Week #3 (June 10) |
For loops, Nested Loops, Intro to methods (static), parameters, local variables, public/privateMethods (static) |
ForNestedLoops.pdf ForNestedLoopsCode.zip StaticMethods.pdf StaticMethodsCode.zip |
P1 Due (Mon) P2 Due (Tue) P3 Out (Tue) Q1 (Wed) |
LabWeek03Code.zip |
Week #4 (June 17) |
Precedence, Casting, StringBuffer, Math Libraries, Floating Point Computations |
Libraries.pdf LibrariesCode.zip PrecAssocCasting.pdf StringMathLib.pdf StringMathLibCode.zip |
P3 Due (Tue) No Class (Wed) |
OldQuizLab4.zip |
Week #5 (June 24) |
Intro to Classes, Constructors, get/set/toString methods Current Object (this), equals method, copy constructor, Memory Diagrams |
ClassesI.pdf ClassesICode.zip ClassesII.pdf ClassesIICode.zip MemoryDiagrams.pdf MemoryDiagramsCode.zip |
P4 Out (Tue) E1 (Wed) |
BreakContinue.pdf BreakContinueCode.zip |
Week #6 (July 1) |
Exceptions, Junit and Debugger, Intro to Arrays |
Exceptions.pdf ExceptionsCode.zip TestingDebugging.pdf TestingDebuggingCode.zip ArraysI.pdf ArraysICode.zip |
P4 Due (Tue) P5 Out (Tue) No Class (Thurs. and Fri) |
Week #7 (July 8) |
More about Arrays, JavaDoc, Ternary Operator, Switch Statement, Privacy Leaks, Reference/Shallow/Deep Copies, Wrappers, Method Overloading, Stack |
ArraysII.pdf ArraysIICode.zip TernarySwitch.pdf TernarySwitchCode.zip PrivacyLeakCopying.pdf PrivacyLeakCopyingCode.zip WrappersOverloading.pdf WrappersOverloadingCode.zip |
P5 Due (Tue) P6 Out (Tue) Q2 (Wed) |
ArrayIntroExercise.zip CopyingExample |
Week #8 (July 15) |
Abstration, ArrayList, Interfaces, Two-Dimensional Arrays |
Abstraction.pdf AbstractionCode.zip ArrayListInterfaces.pdf ArrayListInterfacesCode.zip TwoDimArrays.pdf TwoDimArraysCode.zip |
Proj 6 Due (Tue) Proj 7 Out (Tue) E2 (Wed) |
ArrayListFile.pdf ArrayListFileCode.zip InterfacesLab.zip LectureReviewExample.zip |
Week #9 (July 22) |
Recursion, Inheritance Intro, Composition vs. Inheritance, Iterators, getClass, instanceof, and Object Class |
Recursion.pdf RecursionCode.zip InheritanceIntro.pdf InheritanceIntroCode.zip FindObjectClass.pdf FindObjectClassCode.zip |
P7 Due (Tue) Quiz 3 (Thurs) P9 Out (Wed) P8 Due (Fri) |
DiagramSystemLabExample.zip RecursionLabCode.zip RecursionExercise1.zip |
Week #10 (July 29) |
Early/Late Binding, Reviewing Overloading/Overriding, Extending an Interface, and Command-Line Arguments |
MultipleInheritance.pdf MultipleInheritanceCode.zip CmdLineArgsLoops.pdf CmdLineArgsLoopsCode.zip |
P9 Due (Thurs) Final Exam (Fri) |
RecursionExercise2.zip |