
Lecture Videos

Lecture/Lab videos can be found by logging on to ELMS. In the entry for the course, you will find videos under Course→Panopto Recordings. You can watch a video at different speeds saving you time. Look for the 1x Speed option as you watch a video.

Schedule Information

   Week   Topics Slides Work
Wk #1
(May 31)
Course Introduction, C Data Types, Operators, Input/Output, Control Statements, Functions, Storage Types/Linkage, Input / Output Redirection, Pointers Course-Intro.pdf C-Language-I.pdf C-Language-II.pdf C-Language-III.pdf PointersI.pdf E1 Out (Thu)
Wk #2
(Jun 6)
Pointers, Arrays, Math Library, Debugging/GDB, Pointer Arithmetic, Strings, Command Line Arguments, 2-Dim Arrays, Structures Arrays.pdf Debugging.pdf PointersII.pdf Strings.pdf Source-To-Executable.pdf (No Video) PointersIII.pdf CmdLine-Args-2DArrays.pdf Structures.pdf P1 Out (Tue)
E1 Due (Tue)
E2 Out (Tue)
Wk #3
(Jun 13)
Formatted I/O, Preprocessor, Make, Dynamic Memory Allocation IO.pdf PreprocessorI.pdf Make.pdf DynamicMemAlloc.pdf
Q1 (Debug Quiz) (Tue)
P1 Due (Tue)
P2 Out (Tue)
E2 Due (Wed)
Q2 (Fri)
Wk #4
(Jun 20)
Dynamic Memory Allocation, Realloc/Memory Functions, Function Pointers, Data Representation, Bitwise Operators, Encapsulation in C (Lab) LinkedLists.pdf ReallocMemFuncs.pdf FunctionPtrs.pdf Monday (Holiday) P2 Due (Tue)
P3 Out (Tue)
E3 Out (Tue)
P3a Due (Fri)
Wk #5
(Jun 27)
Assembly AssemblyI.pdf DataRepresentation.pdf AssemblyII.pdf BitwiseOperators.pdf Exam #1 (Mon)
P3 Due (Wed)
P4 Out (Tue)
E3 Due (Wed)
Wk #6
(Jul 4)
Assembly, Process Control (intro, fork, wait) AssemblyIIILoopsMemAcc.pdf ProcessControlIntro.pdf ProcessControlFork.pdf ProcessControlWait.pdf Monday (Holiday)
E4 Out (Mon)
P4 Due (Thu)
P5 Out (Thu)
Wk #7
(Jul 11)
Process Control (exec) ProcessControlExec.pdf Exam #2 (Mon)
E4 Due (Mon)
E5 Out (Fri)
Wk #8
(Jul 18)
System I/O (open/read/write/dup2), Process Control (pipes) SysInOutI.pdf SysInOutIIDup2.pdf SysInOutIIIPipes.pdf P5a Due (Tue)
P5 Due (Thu)
P6 Out (Thu)
E5 Due (Fri)
Wk #9
(Jul 25)
Time, Concurrency, Libraries, Assembly (Frame), Optimization Time.pdf Concurrency.pdf Libraries.pdf StackFrames.pdf Optimization.pdf Exam #3 (Mon)
P6a Due (Thu)
E6 Out (Tue)
Wk #10
(Aug 1)
Preprocessor II, Signals PreprocessorII.pdf Signals.pdf Review.pdf
P6 Due (Tue)
E6 Due (Tue)
Course Evaluations

Final Exam
(Fri Aug 5)
Web Accessibility