Interface MediaRentalManagerInt

public interface MediaRentalManagerInt

Interface that defines the functionality expected from the media rental manager. The two possible media we can have are movies and music albums. A movie has a title, a number of copies that are available for rent, and a rating (e.g., "PG"). An album has a title, a number of copies, an artist, and a list of songs (String with title of songs separated by commas).

IMPORTANT:The database of the media rental manager, must define and use two ArrayList. One stores the media (both Movies and Album information) and one stores Customer information. You will lose significant credit if you do not define and use these ArrayList objects.


Method Summary
 void addAlbum(java.lang.String title, int copiesAvailable, java.lang.String artist, java.lang.String songs)
          Adds the specified album to the database.
 void addCustomer(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String address, java.lang.String plan)
          Adds the specified customer to the database.
 void addMovie(java.lang.String title, int copiesAvailable, java.lang.String rating)
          Adds the specified movie to the database.
 boolean addToQueue(java.lang.String customerName, java.lang.String mediaTitle)
          Adds the specified media title to the queue associated with a customer.
 java.lang.String getAllCustomersInfo()
          Returns information about the customers in the database.
 java.lang.String getAllMediaInfo()
          Returns information about all the media (movies and albums) that are part of the database.
 java.lang.String processRequests()
          Processes the requests queue of each customer.
 boolean removeFromQueue(java.lang.String customerName, java.lang.String mediaTitle)
          Removes the specified media title from the customer's queue.
 boolean returnMedia(java.lang.String customerName, java.lang.String mediaTitle)
          This is how a customer returns a rented media.
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> searchMedia(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String rating, java.lang.String artist, java.lang.String songs)
          Returns a SORTED ArrayList with media titles that satisfy the provided parameter values.
 void setLimitedPlanLimit(int value)
          This set the number of media associated with the LIMITED plan.

Method Detail


void addCustomer(java.lang.String name,
                 java.lang.String address,
                 java.lang.String plan)
Adds the specified customer to the database. The address is a physical address (not e-mail). The plan options available are: LIMITED and UNLIMITED. LIMITED defines a default maximum of two media that can be rented.

name -
address -
plan -


void addMovie(java.lang.String title,
              int copiesAvailable,
              java.lang.String rating)
Adds the specified movie to the database. The possible values for rating are "PG", "R", "NR".

title -
copiesAvailable -
rating -


void addAlbum(java.lang.String title,
              int copiesAvailable,
              java.lang.String artist,
              java.lang.String songs)
Adds the specified album to the database. The songs String includes a list of the title of songs in the album (song titles are separated by commas).

title -
copiesAvailable -
artist -
songs -


void setLimitedPlanLimit(int value)
This set the number of media associated with the LIMITED plan.

value -


java.lang.String getAllCustomersInfo()
Returns information about the customers in the database. The information is presented sorted by customer name. See the public tests for the format to use.



java.lang.String getAllMediaInfo()
Returns information about all the media (movies and albums) that are part of the database. The information is presented sorted by media title. See the public tests for the format to use.



boolean addToQueue(java.lang.String customerName,
                   java.lang.String mediaTitle)
Adds the specified media title to the queue associated with a customer.

customerName -
mediaTitle -
false if the mediaTitle is already part of the queue (it will not be added)


boolean removeFromQueue(java.lang.String customerName,
                        java.lang.String mediaTitle)
Removes the specified media title from the customer's queue.

customerName -
mediaTitle -
false if removal failed for any reason (e.g., customerName not found)


java.lang.String processRequests()
Processes the requests queue of each customer. The customers will be processed in alphabetical order. For each customer, the requests queue will be checked and media will be added to the rented queue, if the plan associated with the customer allows it, and if there is a copy of the media available. For UNLIMITED plans the media will be added to the rented queue always, as long as there are copies associated with the media available. For LIMITED plans, the number of entries moved from the requests queue to the rented queue will depend on the number of currently rented media, and whether copies associated with the media are available.

For each media that is rented, the following message will be generated:
"Sending [mediaTitle] to [customerName]"



boolean returnMedia(java.lang.String customerName,
                    java.lang.String mediaTitle)
This is how a customer returns a rented media. This method will remove the item from the rented queue and adjust any other values that are necessary (e.g., copiesAvailable)

customerName -
mediaTitle -


java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> searchMedia(java.lang.String title,
                                                  java.lang.String rating,
                                                  java.lang.String artist,
                                                  java.lang.String songs)
Returns a SORTED ArrayList with media titles that satisfy the provided parameter values. If null is specified for a parameter, then that parameter should be ignore in the search. Providing null for all parameters will return all media titles.

title -
rating -
artist -
songs -

Web Accessibility