Class Presentations by Students
Each student is expected to co-lead a lecture of his/her choice of topics,
with the instructor's apporval. All students are required to meet
the instructor on one-to-one basis to discuss the lecture materials
in detail prior to the presentation. One week before the scheduled
presentation, s/he will be expected to submit a draft version of the
presentation materials and an initial treatment of the selected topics.
The instructor will provide timely feedback about the pre-talk.
Reading materials and/or discussion issues will be posted on the
course web site, at least one day prior to each lecture.
All class members will be expected to have read the listed readings,
by the start of the relevant class.
Important Deadlines:
Instructions for posting the lecture notes,
reading materials, etc.
Here is the list of topics to be presented by students in the chronological
Each student presentation will be graded based upon: