Department of Computer Science
College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
The University of Maryland at College Park
CMSC 838M (Spring 2025): Physically-based Modeling, Simulation and Animation
CMSC 838M (Spring 2025): Physically-based Modeling, Simulation and Animation
Cool AI-Empowered Simulation!!!
- Time and Place: Tues/Thur 2:00pm - 3:15pm, CSIC 2117
- Zoom Link:
- Office Hours: Tues/Thur After Class
- Prerequisites:CMSC 330, CMSC 351 AND
Scientific Computing OR Instructor's approval
- Breadth Areas:
AREA 2 - Information Processing (AI/ML/CV/CG)
AREA 3 - Software Engineering & Programming Languages (SE/PL/HCI)
- Textbook: Course Notes and Electronic Handouts
- TA: Shrey Patel (
Office Hours: By Appointment
Physically-based modeling and simulation attempts to map a natural
phenomena to a computer simulation program. There are two basic processes
in this mapping: mathematical modeling and
numerical solution. The goal of
this introductory course is to understand both of them. The mathematical
concerns the description of natural phenomena by
mathematical equations. Differential equations that govern dynamics
and geometric representation of objects are typical
ingredients of the mathematical model.
The numerical solution involves computing an efficient and accurate
solution of the mathematical equations. Finite precision of numbers,
limited computational power and memory forces us to approximate the
mathematical model with simple procedures.
In this course, we will study various techniques to simulate the physical
and mechanical behavior of objects in a graphical simulation or a virtual
environment. Students will learn about implementation of basic simulation
programs that produce interesting results and verify its correctness. The
course will cover three basic components in physically-based modeling and
The goal of this class is to get students an appreciation of
computational methods for modeling of motions in the physical and
virtual world. We will discuss various considerations and tradeoffs
used in designing simulation methodologies (e.g. time, space, robustness,
and generality). This will include data structures, algorithms,
computational methods and simulation techniques, their complexity
and implementation. The lectures will also cover some applications of
physically-based modeling and simulation to the following areas:
Computer Animation
Virtual Environments
Medical Simulation and Analysis
Special Effects Generation
Computer Game Dynamics
Rapid Prototyping for Design
Haptic Rendering/Interfaces
Robotics and Automation
Here is a list of TENTATIVE lecture topics (subject to
changes). Schedule and information on each topic (e.g. readings, web
pointers) will be added during the semester before each class.
Overview (Tues, Jan 28, 2025)
Basics of Motion Generations for Animation
(Thur, Jan 30, 2025)
Principles of Animation and Inverse Kinematics
(Tues, Feb 4, 2025) with Supplementary Video
ODE Basics: Initial Value Problem
(Thur, Feb 6, 2025)
Intro to Particle Dynamics &
Particle Systems
(Tues, Feb 11, 2025)
Solutions to Spring-Mass System
& Implicit Methods
(Thur, Feb 13, 2025)
Constrained Dynamics
(Tues, Feb 18, 2025)
Review on Comp Geom
(Thur, Feb 20, 2025)
Review on Comp Geom &
Collision Detection: Convex Polyhedra & Many Bodies
(Tues, Feb 25, 2025)
Collision Detection: Convex Polyhedra & Many Bodies
(Thur, Feb 27, 2025)
Collision Detection: BVHs & Spatial Partitioning
(Tues, Mar 4, 2025)
Collision Detection: BVHs & Spatial Partitioning
(Thur, Mar 6, 2025)
Project Proposal
(Tues/Thur, Mar 11-13, 2025)
Spring Break (Mar 16-22, 2025)
Collision Detection for Deformable Bodies
and Other CD Techiques
(Tues, Mar 25, 2025)
Rigid Body Dynamics
(Notes on Quaternion
and Particle to Rigid Body Dynamics)
(Thur, Mar 27, 2025)
Position-based Dynamics
and Modeling of Deformable Models: Introduction
(Tues, Apr 1, 2025)
Modeling of Deformable Models: Introduction
and Introduction to Audio
(Thurs, Apr 3, 2025)
Introduction to Fluid Simulation
(Tues, Apr 8, 2025)
Lagrangian Particle Methods for Simulating Conservative Liquid Redistribution
and Simulation of Bubble Movement
(Thur, Apr 10, 2025)
Physically-based Sound Simulation
and Rigid-body Sound Simulation
(Tues, Apr 15, 2025)
Geometric-based Sound Propagation and
Robot Navigation with Collision Avoidance v
(Thur, Apr 17, 2025)
Course Project Progress Report (Tues, Apr 22, 2025)
Decentralized Monte-Carlo Tree Search for multi-robot planning
and Traffic Simulation
(Tues, Apr 22, 2025)
Decentralized Collision Avoidance for Multi-Agent Systems
and Learning-based Collision Avoidance
(Thur, Apr 24, 2025)
Human Motion Synthesis and Simulation
and Techniques for Animating Human Athletes
(Thur, May 1, 2025)
and Modeling and Simulatino of Fur and Hairs
(Tues, May 6, 2025)
Data-driven Methods to Accelerate Cloth Simulation and GPU-based Differentiable Cloth Simulation
(Thur, May 8, 2025)
Simulation of Relativistic Effects
and Fogs & Environmental Effects
(Tues, May 13, 2025)
Supplementary Materials and Reading List for the Class
The class grade of each student taking 3-credits is determined by
Homework (30%)
Class Oral Presentation/Exam (20%)
Final Project/Exam (50%)
For more information, contact
Ming C. Lin,
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