Office Hours

Name Office Number Hours
Pedram Sadeghian IRB 2214 Please email me the day before you need to meet so we can arrange a time in-person or via zoom. For project questions, please see a TA

We will use CS Dept Quuly for students to see a TA during office hours. More infomation will be posted on Piazza.

You can get assistance from any of the TAs posted on the schedule below. You are not limited to only see your lab/discussion TA.

Teaching Assistants
Name E-mail Photo
Angelyn Pham - Grad TA
Lead and Teaching TA: Teaching 202, MW 1:00PM - 1:50PM, CSI 2107
angpham [AT] umd [DOT] edu TA Picture
Amir Hossein Shahid Zadeh - Grad TA
Grading TA
amirsh [AT] umd [DOT] edu TA Picture
Brian Lau - Undergrad TA
Teaching TA: Teaching 101, MW 12:00PM - 12:50PM, CSI 3120
and Teaching 201, MW 1:00PM - 1:50PM, CSI 1122
blau1 [AT] umd [DOT] edu TA Picture
Gihan Chanaka Jayatilaka - Grad TA
Teaching TA: Teaching 104, MW 1:00pm - 1:50pm, CSI 3120
gihan [AT] umd [DOT] edu TA Picture
Henna Poon - Undergrad TA
Teaching TA: Teaching 203, MW 4:00pm - 4:50pm, CSI 1121
hpoon [AT] umd [DOT] edu TA Picture
John Kanu - Grad TA
Grading TA
jdkanu [AT] umd [DOT] edu TA Picture
Kamala Varma - Grad TA
Teaching TA: Teaching 102, MW 12:00pm - 12:50pm, CSI 2107
kvarma [AT] umd [DOT] edu TA Picture
Karan Agarwal - Undergrad TA
Teaching TA: Teaching 204, MW 4:00pm - 4:50am, CSI 3118
getkaran [AT] umd [DOT] edu TA Picture
Ryan Kim - Undergrad TA
Lead and Teaching TA: Teaching 105, MW 2:00PM - 2:50PM, CSI 3120
rkim1217 [AT] umd [DOT] edu TA Picture
Simge Tekin- Grad TA
Teaching TA: Teaching 103, MW 1:00PM - 1:50PM, CSI 3118
stekin [AT] umd [DOT] edu TA Picture
Office Hours

Office hours for CMSC 132 will be held in IRB 1108. See here for more details: Office Hours .

Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
9:00 - 10:00 X X X X X
10:00 - 11:00 X Ryan, Karan (Zoom) Henna (Zoom) Ryan, Karan (Zoom) Henna, Karan(Zoom), Amir (Zoom)
11:00 - 12:00 Lecture Time Karan (Zoom) Lecture Time Karan(Zoom) Lecture Time
12:00 - 1:00 Lecture Time Angie Lecture Time Angie Lecture Time
1:00 - 2:00 Kamala V Kamala V, Simge T John K, Kamala V X Karan(Zoom)
2:00 - 3:00 Gihan Kamala V, Simge T John K, Gihan Amir X
3:00 - 4:00 Gihan, Henna Kamala V, Simge T John K, Gihan, Henna Amir X
4:00 - 5:00 Simge T (Zoom) Simge T John K, Gihan Amir X
5:00 - 6:00 X X John K Amir X
6:00 - 7:00 X X John K Amir X
7:00 - 8:00 X X X Amir X

The Iribe Initiative for Inclusion & Diversity in Computing offers 1:1 tutoring for CMSC 131, 132, 216, 250, 330, and 351 around specific concepts discussed in class. To learn more and request tutoring, please visit Tutoring. Visiting a tutor does not mean you are having trouble with your course. Many students visit a tutor to get clarification about class concepts, but others visit a tutor to discuss advanced concepts they are interested and that we don't cover in class.

Web Accessibility