CMSC498Y meets on Mondays and Wednesdays. A tentative course schedule is below. Slides will be posted to ELMS before the lecture and then linked here after the lecture. If lecture is recordings, it will typically be available under the zoom tab on ELMS (sometimes it will be uploaded to files tab in the recordings folder).

Week Day Date Topic Materials Assigned Reading
1 Wed Jan 24 Course Overview & Background [1_overview_and_bio.pdf]
2 Mon Jan 29 Background Protein sequences (translation, codon, popular databases), Statistics review (models, data, likelihood, MLE, KL divergence), Random sequence model
BSA Sections 1.3, 11.1 (through multinomial), 11.2 (relative entropy only), 11.3 (ML only), 11.5 (ML only)
Wed Jan 31 Markov Models Markov Models, Model Discrimination, Hidden Markov Models (definition only)
BSA Sections 3.1, 3.2 (through formal definition)
3 Mon Feb 5 Decoding HMMs Viterbi algorithm, Posterior decoding (Forward algorithm, Backward algorithm)
BSA Section 3.2
Wed Feb 7 Training HMMs Supervised learning (Maximum Likelihood), Unsupervised learning (Expectation–maximization algorithm, Baum-Welch)
BSA Section 3.3
4 Mon Feb 12 Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) Edit distance, Sum-of-pairs (SOP) MSA problem, Star Alignment, Consistency, Progressive Alignment
BSA Chapter 2, Chapter 6
Wed Feb 14 Profile HMMs Profile HMMs, Supervised training from MSAs, Alignment with Viterbi, Classification
Assignment #1 released due Thurs Feb 29
BSA Chapter 5 (through 5.4)
5 Mon Feb 19 Lab Day 1 Lab on MSAs, HMMs, and Viterbi
Download data: []
Wed Feb 21 Lab Day 2 Lab on MSAs, HMMs, and Viterbi
Download code: []
6 Mon Feb 26 RNA Secondary Structure Debrief on lab; Intro to RNA Secondary Structure
BSA Section 10.1
Wed Feb 28 Grammars Stochastic Context Free Grammars (SCFG)
Assignment #1 DUE TOMORROW!
BSA Chapter 9 (skip Section 9.4)
7 Mon Mar 4 Optimization Maximium Base Pairs (Nussinov's Algorithm) and Minimum Energy
BSA Section 10.2 through first sub-section on Energy minimization (skip SCFG sub-section)
Wed Mar 6 UFold UFold Input and Output Construction for CNN (UNet)
[cdpfold paper]
[ufold paper]
8 Mon Mar 11 UFold Encoder UFold Contraction Path and Related Operations (e.g. Convolution, Max Pool)
[Chapter 9 - Convolutional Networks]
Wed Mar 13 UFold Decoder UFold Expansion Path and Related Operations (e.g. Convolution, Upsampling)
Assignment #2 released last week (Mar 8) due Mar 29!
9 Mon Mar 18 No class Spring break
Wed Mar 20 No class Spring break
10 Mon Mar 25 Lab Day 3 UFold Lab - training, and testing, and modifying UFold
Wed Mar 27 Lab Day 4 UFold Lab - training, and testing, and modifying UFold
Assignment #2 DUE THIS FRIDAY (Mar 29)!
11 Mon Apr 1 Midterm Review See the midterm exam study guide
Wed Apr 3 Midterm Exam
12 Mon Apr 8 No class Rescheduled to Thursday at 1pm for eclipse viewing
Wed Apr 10 Intro to Protein Structure Recap of class; Intro to protein struture; amino acids, backbone, side chain, alpha-helix, beta-strand, beta-sheet, phi/psi angles, Ramanchandran Principle
[1 Intro to Protein Structure]
Thu Apr 11 Structure Comparison and Databases PBD vs UniProt, Structure File Formats (PDB), Superposition, RMSD, Structure Alignment, TM-score, TM-align, GDT, 1DDT
Assignment #3 released tomorrow
[3 Structure Alignment]
[4 Data Resources for Structural Bioinformatics] [6 Introduction to Protein Structure Prediction]
13 Mon Apr 15 Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Multi-class classification, Accuracy metrics for multiple classes (micro vs. macro vs. weighted average), Segment of Overlap Score (SOP), PHD method
[Mona Singh's Lecture Notes (skip 1.1 and 1.2)]
Wed Apr 17 Alphafold2 Alphafold2: Overview, Inputs, and Featurization
[alphafold2.pdf] [alphafold2-supp.pdf]
14 Mon Apr 22 Evoformer part 1 Alphafold2: Initialization of MSA and pair representation, Evoformer, Self-Attention
Assignment #3 DUE TODAY!
Assignment #4 released tomorrow
Wed Apr 24 Evoformer part 2 Alphafold2: Outer mean product, Triangle updates (with and without self-attention)
15 Mon Apr 29 No class Canceled for NSF CISE workshop
Wed May 1 Structure Module ESMfold overview
16 Mon May 6 Protein language models Training protein language models with masked language model task, other applications of vector representations (e.g. clustering by family and contact prediction) [19_protein_language_models.pdf]
Assignment #4 DUE TODAY!
Wed May 8 Last class Overview of take-home final exam and get started on data analysis
Take-home FINAL EXAM is released
Wed May 15 Exam DUE Take-home FINAL EXAM DUE TODAY