We use Panopto to record lecture videos. Course videos (e.g., lectures videos) can be found by logging on to ELMS. In the entry for the course, you will find videos under Course→Panopto Recordings. We will create Panopto video folders within the Labs and Lectures folders you will find in Panopto. If you look at a folder in Panopto you may see the message "This folder contains no videos.", but you could have folders with videos (e.g., Week01 folder under the Lectures folder). It takes about an hour for a video recorded in lecture to be available in Panopto. By the way, in Panopto, you may not see a folder unless you choose "Show all..."
Week | Topics | Slides (for videos see info at the top) | Work |
Week #1 (Jan 25) |
Course Intro, Classes Review, Abstraction/Encapsulation | CourseIntro.pdf OOPAbstraction.pdf OOPAbstractionCode.zip |
Eclipse installation P1 Out (Wed) |
Week #2 (Jan 30) |
Enumerated Types, Comparable, Inheritance | JavaConstructsI.pdf JavaConstructsICode.zip InheritanceIntro.pdf InheritanceIntroCode.zip |
P1a Due (Tue) P1 Due (Thu) |
Week #3 (Feb 6) |
Inheritance, Recursive Algorithnms, Debugger, Memory Maps | Inheritance.pdf InheritanceCode.zip RecursiveAlgorithms.pdf RecursiveAlgorithmsCode.zip |
P2 Out (Mon) |
Week #4 (Feb 13) |
Abstract Classes, Exceptions, Testing, Correctness | ,AbstractClassesInheritance.pdf AbstractClassesInheritanceCode.zip Exceptions.pdf ExceptionsCode.zip TestingCorrectness.pdf TestingCorrectnessCode.zip |
P2a Due (Mon) P2 Due (Tue) P3 Out (Tue) Exam #1 (Fri) |
Week #5 (Feb 20) |
Comparator Interface (Lab), Cloning, Constructor/Destructor, Initialization Blocks, Levels of Copying, OO Design Intro, Nested Types, UML (lab) | JavaConstructsII.pdf JavaConstructsIICode.zip OODesign.pdf NestedTypes.pdf NestedTypesCode.zip UMLIntro.pdf |
P3a Due (Thu) |
Week #6 (Feb 27) |
Lambda Expressions, Event-Driven Programming, JavaFX, Generic Programming, Collections, Linear Data Structures |
GUIFX.pdf GUIJavaFX Code available at JavaFX Generics.pdf GenericsCode.zip Collections.pdf CollectionsCode.zip LinearDataStructures.pdf LinearDataStructuresCode.zip |
P3 Due (Tue) P4 Out (Tue) Debugging Quiz (Wed) |
Week #7 (Mar 6) |
Linear Data Structures, Restricted Abstractions | AlgorithmicComplexityI.pdf AlgorithmicComplexityICode.zip RestrictedAbstractions.pdf |
P4 Due (Tue) P5 Out (Tue) |
Week #8 (Mar 13) |
Algorithmic Complexity I, Hashing | Hashing.pdf HashingCode.zip JavaScriptIntro.pdf JavaScriptIntroCode.zip | P5a Due (Wed) |
Spring Break 2023 (Mar 19 → Mar 26) | |||
Week #9 (Mar 27) |
Hashing, Sets/Maps, Linked-lists (Dummy node), File I/O | SetsMaps.pdf SetsMapsCode.zip SimplifiedListImplementation.pdf JavaIO.pdf JavaIOCode.zip |
Mid-Term Grades Due (Mon) P5 Due (Wed) P6 Out (Thu) |
Week #10 (Apr 3) |
Trees, Algorithmic Complexity II | Trees.pdf LectureBinaryTreeCode.zip AlgorithmicComplexityII.pdf |
Exam #2 (Wed) P6a Due (Fri) |
Week #11 (Apr 10) |
Heaps, Priority Queues, Threads, Synchronization I | HeapsPriorityQueues.pdf ThreadsI.pdf ThreadsICode.zip ThreadsII.pdf ThreadsIICode.zip SynchronizationI.pdf SynchronizationICode.zip |
P6 Due (Tue) P7 Out (Tue) |
Week #12 (Apr 17) |
Synchronization II, Graphs Intro/Graph Traversals | SynchronizationII.pdf SynchronizationIICode.zip GraphsTraversal.pdf GraphImplementation.pdf |
P7a Due (Mon) P7 Due (Thu) P8 Out (Thu) |
Week #13 (Apr 24) |
Design Patterns, Dijkstra's Alg., Graph Implementation, Sorting | IteratorMarkerObserverPatterns.pdf SingletonDecorator.pdf SingletonDecoratorCode.zip DijkstrasAlgorithm.pdf DijkstrasExample.pdf PriorityQueueCode.zip Sorting.pdf |
Exam #3 (Mon) P8a Due (Fri) |
Week #14 (May 1) |
Algorithm Strategies, Effective Java, Software Development
EffectiveJava.pdf SoftwareDevelopment.pdf |
P8 Due (Mon) P9 Out (Mon) Quiz (Thu) |
Week #15 (May 8) |
Final Exam Review |
MiscReviewCode.zip lectures.zip (All lecture material) |
P9 Due (Tue) Last Day of Classes (Thu, May 11) Final Exam (Mon, May 15, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm) |