CMSC 754
Spring 2020
Dave Mount
All the lecture notes in one file: cmsc754-spring2020-lects.pdf |
Date | Lecture | Title | Resources |
Tue, 01/28 | 01 | Introduction to Computational Geometry | |
Thu, 01/30 Tue, 02/04 |
02 | Convexity and Convex Hulls | 4Ms, Chapt 1 |
Thu, 02/06 | 03 | Convex Hulls: Lower Bounds and Output Sensitivity | |
Tue, 02/11 | 04 | Line Segment Intersection | 4Ms, Chapt 2 |
Thu, 02/13 Tue, 02/18 |
05 | Polygon Triangulation | 4Ms, Chapt 3 |
Thu, 02/20 | 06 | Halfplane Intersection and Point-Line Duality | 4Ms, Chapt 4 |
Tue, 02/25 | 07 | Linear Programming | 4Ms, Chapt 4 |
Thu, 02/27 | 08 | Trapezoidal Maps | 4Ms, Chapt 6 |
Tue, 03/03 | 09 | Point Location | 4Ms, Chapt 6 |
Thu, 03/05 | 10 | The Doubly-Connected Edge List (Optional) | 4Ms, Chapt 2 |
Tue, 03/10 | Review for the Midterm Exam | ||
Tue, 03/31 Thu, 04/02 |
11 | Voronoi Diagrams and Fortune's Algorithm | 4Ms, Chapt 7 |
Tue, 04/07 Thu, 04/09 |
12 | Delaunay Triangulations: General Properties | 4Ms, Chapt 7 |
Tue, 04/14 Thu, 04/16 |
13 | Delaunay Triangulations: Incremental Construction | 4Ms, Chapt 7 |
Thu, 04/16 Tue, 04/21 |
14 | Line Arrangements: Basic Definitions and the Zone Theorem | 4Ms, Chapt 8 |
Tue, 04/21 Thu, 04/23 |
15 | Applications of Line Arrangements | 4Ms, Chapt 8 |
Tue, 04/28 Thu, 04/30 |
16 | Well-Separated Pair Decompositions | (Not in 4Ms) |
Thu, 04/30 Tue, 05/05 |
17 | Applications of WSPDs | (Not in 4Ms) |
Thu, 05/07 | 18 | Introduction to Computational Topology Guest lecture by Ahmed Abdelkader (Slides) |
(Not in 4Ms) |