Office Hours

Name Office Number Hours
Nelson Padua-Perez IRB 2210 Mon, Wed: 10:30 am - 11:30 am, 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm
Office Hours System

In order to see a TA during office hours you need to access the Office Hours System. Keep in mind there is a fix number of times you can visit TAs per day. Students in CMSC133 will get assistance from CMSC131 TAs. Information about CMSC131 TAs can be found at CMSC131 TAs Office hours. The lead TA for CMSC133 is Swati Singhal (swati AT

Iribe Initiative 1:1 and Guided Study Session (GSS)

The Iribe Initiative for Inclusion & Diversity in Computing offers both 1:1 and Guided Study Session (GSS) tutoring for CMSC 131, 132, 216, 250, 330, and 351 around specific concepts discussed in class. We also offer 1:1 tutoring only for CMSC 122 and 320. To learn more and request tutoring, please visit:

Teaching Assistants

TAs office hours will be held in IRB 1107 (the open area across from this room). A photo of this area can be found at CS TA Rooms.

Web Accessibility