
CMSC 132

Sections 030X/040X/050X

Below are collections of questions and practice problems that are designed to help you to learn the course material. These exercises are not being collected or graded. Sorry, but I won't have time to publish solutions. If you are unsure about your solution to these questions, please drop by to see me or one of the TAs during office hours.

Disclaimer: Your primary resource for studying should be the notes that you have taken during lectures! There will be questions on quizzes and exams that are not in any way represented in this study list. There will be questions on this study list that are not in any way represented on quizzes or exams. Please be aware that exam questions tend to combine more elements into a single question and many of the questions on the list are simpler than questions you will see on your exams. You may discuss these questions openly with anyone, including your classmates.

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