Assignment: Project #5
Due Date: Wednesday 04/01, 11:00PM
Open/Closed policy: CLOSED
Linked Lists
This project will give you practice implementing a collection with a parameterized type, and
practice implementing linked list methods.
A secondary goal of this project is for you to practice writing lots of JUnit tests!
Note that very few public tests are being provided, and the release tests have been given names that
are intentionally vague. The TAs will not be able to tell you what the release tests are
doing, nor will they be able to tell you whether or not you are passing the secret tests.
You will need to write lots of tests of your own.
Note that this project is CLOSED. Please review the
Course Policy on Open/Closed Projects for information about the
rules for closed projects.
This project is more difficult than
it may appear at first glance, so start immediately!
Code Distribution
The project's code distribution provides you with the following:
- listClass package → Contains the class you must implement.
- tests package → There are two public tests and
a location for your JUnit tests.
The linked list in our project will have a head reference and also a tail reference.
The "next" link of the last node will always point to null. Be sure to update
the head and tail references carefully as the list is modified.
- You should maintain the size of the list with an instance variable so that
the size of the list can be ascertained immediately without traversing the list.
Be sure to update this variable as the list is modified.
If you see in the submit server the error "missing_component", the problem is usually that you
are missing a required class, or that one of your method prototypes does not match the
specification. You can also get this error if you are not defining a generic
class correctly.
It is recommended that you try submitting your project frequently (if you have not done
so yet) so you can identify this problem, if it exists.
Detailed Specification
Your BasicLinkedList class should contain the following features:
- A private static nested class, Node<T>, with the following
- Two private instance variables ("data", an element in the list, and "next", a
reference to the successor node.)
- A constructor that takes one parameter representing an element of the list to be wrapped in
this Node. Set the next reference to null.
Three private instance variables: head and tail references and a variable to keep track
of the current size of the list.
A constructor that initializes this list as empty.
public int getSize()
Getter for the size variable. (Do NOT traverse the list to determine its size.)
public BasicLinkedList<T> addToEnd(T data)
Adds the element to the tail of the list.
public BasicLinkedList<T> addToFront(T data)
Adds the element to the head of the list.
public T getFirst()
Returns the head element (without removing it), or null if the list is empty.
public T getLast()
Returns the tail element (without removing it), or null if the list is empty.
public T retrieveFirstElement()
Removes and returns the head element. If the list is empty, returns null.
public T retrieveLastElement()
Removes and returns the tail element. If the list is empty, returns null.
You may not use an Iterator or a for-each loop while implementing this method.
public BasicLinkedList<T> removeAllInstances(T targetData)
Removes all instances of the target element from the list. The return value is just a reference
to the current object. You may not use an Iterator or a for-each loop
while implementing this method.
public Iterator<T> iterator()
Returns an instance of an anonymous inner class that defines an Iterator
over this list (from head to tail).
You do not
need to implement a remove method, but feel free to do so for extra practice. (We will not
be testing the Iterator's remove method.)
The Iterator you are defining
may be used in your test code, but may NOT be used to implement any of the other methods
of the BasicLinkedList class. To be clear, you also may not use for-each loops
anywhere in the BasicLinkedList class.
- Your code must be efficient! Do
not traverse the list if it is possible to avoid it.
- You may not use recursion in this project.
- You are not required to write JUnit tests, but you are strongly
encouraged to do so. If you have a problem with your code and need assistance during
office hours, you will be expected to demonstrate a JUnit test
that illustrates the problem you are
You need to implement a singly-linked list that relies on a head and tail reference. Making
use of the Java collections framework or implementing the list in some other way will result
in a grade of 0. (In particular, you may not use arrays, and
you may not use ArrayList or any other Java collection, and you may not implement a
doubly-linked list.)
- Submit your project using the "Submit Project" option (available by right
clicking on the project folder).
- (6%) Public Tests
- (29%) Release Tests
- (55%) Secret Tests
- (10%) Style
Academic Integrity
Please make sure you read the academic integrity section of the syllabus
so you understand what is permissible in our programming projects. We want to
remind you that we check your project against other students' projects and
any case of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.