
CMSC 132

Sections 030X/040X/050X
Assignment:     Project #5
Due Date:     Wednesday 04/01, 11:00PM
Open/Closed policy:     CLOSED

Linked Lists


This project will give you practice implementing a collection with a parameterized type, and practice implementing linked list methods. A secondary goal of this project is for you to practice writing lots of JUnit tests! Note that very few public tests are being provided, and the release tests have been given names that are intentionally vague. The TAs will not be able to tell you what the release tests are doing, nor will they be able to tell you whether or not you are passing the secret tests. You will need to write lots of tests of your own.

Note that this project is CLOSED. Please review the Course Policy on Open/Closed Projects for information about the rules for closed projects.

This project is more difficult than it may appear at first glance, so start immediately!

Code Distribution

The project's code distribution provides you with the following:


Detailed Specification

Your BasicLinkedList class should contain the following features:




Academic Integrity

Please make sure you read the academic integrity section of the syllabus so you understand what is permissible in our programming projects. We want to remind you that we check your project against other students' projects and any case of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.

Web Accessibility