Note All topics for future dates are tentative. Future classes have links to old slides; check back for updates.

Date Topic Readings/handouts
01/29 Introduction Required reading:
  • "The Security Mindset", Bruce Schneier, (www)
  • Chapter 1 of [Anderson]
Software Security
01/31 Buffer overflow attacks Required reading:
  • "Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit" (pdf)
Optional but very useful:
02/05 Buffer overflow attacks and defenses Required reading:
  • "StackGuard: Automatic Adaptive Detection and Prevention of Buffer-Overflow Attacks" (pdf)
  • "Buffer Overflows: Attacks and Defenses for the Vulnerability of the Decade" (pdf)
02/07 Memory safety: attacks and defenses Optional:
  • "Basic Integer Overflows" (phrack)
  • "Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities" (pdf)
  • Original return-oriented programming paper (pdf)
02/12 Malware and Malware case studies Optional:
  • "Hunting for Metamorphic" (pdf)
  • "A History of Computer Viruses - The Famous Trio" (pdf)
  • "IoT Goes Nuclear..." (pdf)
02/14 Program analysis Optional:
  • "Tricorder: building a program analysis ecosystem" (pdf)
  • "Fuzzing code with AFL" (pdf)
Web Security
02/19 Web background and SQL injection Required:
  • "Web Security: Are You Part of the Problem?" (www)
  • "SQL Injection Attacks by Example" (www)
02/21 XSS and CSRF Required:
  • "Cross Site Request Forgery: An introduction..." (pdf)
02/26 Principles of secure software design
02/28 Clickjacking and Phishing
03/05 Cryptography intro, symmetric Required:
03/07 Midterm recap & open problems in software security
03/12 Midterm 1
Applying Cryptography
03/14 Symmetric and public-key crypto Required:
03/19 Spring break
03/21 Spring break
03/26 Proving who you are: Key exchange and PKI
03/28 PKI in the wild (same slides as 03/26)
04/02 Secure computation Required reading:
  • "How to explain zero-knowledge proofs to your children (pdf)
Optional reading:
  • Yao, Protocols for Secure Computations (pdf) (mathy but interesting)
  • Chaum, Security without identification (pdf) (not mathy, discusses cryptocurrency)
  • Fagin et al., Comparing information without leaking it (pdf) (all physical-world examples of secure computation schemes, fun to read)
04/04 Hiding who you are: Anonymity Required reading: Optional reading:
04/09 Blockchain (no slides) Required reading:
04/11 Privacy Optional reading:
04/16 Midterm 2 recap
04/18 Midterm 2
Network Security
04/23 Networking background
04/25 Networking attacks: TCP Same slides as 04/23
Optional reading:
04/30 Censorship resistance
05/02 Human behavior
05/07 Networking attacks: DNS Same slides as 04/23
Highly suggested reading:
05/09 Botnets & underground economies Optional reading:
05/14 Final recap
05/16 Final exam 4-6 pm, IRB 0324

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