CMSC/PHYS 457 Introduction to Quantum Computing, Spring 2018 : Syllabus
Tentative Syllabus (subject to frequent updates)
Week 1 (Jan 22 - Jan 26): From classical to quantum information. KLM 1.1-1.2, 2.1-2.6.
Week 2 (Jan 29 - Feb 2): Quantum mechanics
Lecture 2 (01/30/18): reading: KLM: 1.3-1.7. Note that we used a slightly different model for the example in Chapter 1.6.
Lecture 3 (02/01/18): reading: KLM 3.1-3.2.
Logistics: Solution to the optional exercise.
Week 3 (Feb 5 - Feb 9): Quantum Mechanics (cont'd), Quantum protocols
Lecture 4 (02/06/18): reading: KLM 3.2-3.4.
Lecture 5 (02/08/18): reading: KLM 5.1-5.2.
Logistics: Project groups formed by 02/06/18; Assignment 1 due on 02/08/18.
Week 4 (Feb 12 - Feb 16): Quantum circuit model.
Lecture 6 (02/13/18): KLM 4.1-4.3.
Lecture 7 (02/15/18): KLM 4.3-4.5.
Logistics: Project proposals due on 02/13/18.
Week 5 (Feb 19 - Feb 23): Computational complexity and introductory quantum algorithms
Lecture 8 (02/20/18): KLM 9.1-9.2. Watrous's (slightly out-dated) survey on quantum computational complexity.
Lecture 9 (02/22/18): KLM 6.2-6.3.
Logistics: Assignment 2 due on 02/22/18.
Week 6 (Feb 26 - Mar 2): Deutsch-Jozsa's algorithm, Simon's algorithm, Quantum Fourier transform, phase estimation
Lecture 10 (02/27/18): KLM 6.4 - 6.5.
Lecture 11 (03/01/18): KLM 7.1- 7.2.
Logistics: Projects finalized by 02/27/18.
Week 7 (Mar 5 - Mar 9): Order finding, Shor's algorithm
Lecture 12 (03/06/18): KLM 7.1 - 7.3.
Lecture 13 (03/08/18): KLM 7.1 - 7.3.
Logistics: Assignment 3 due on 03/08/18.
Week 8 (Mar 12 - Mar 16): Exam and Order finding.
Week 9 (Mar 19 - Mar 23): Spring Break ! Enjoy !!
Week 10 (Mar 26 - Mar 30): Quantum Search, Mixed states, Quantum operations
Lecture 16 (03/27/18): KLM 8.1-8.2. See also the lecture notes Lec 12 Lec 13 by Watrous.
Lecture 17 (03/29/18): KLM 8.2.
Logistics: Project mid-term reports due on 03/29/18.
Week 11 (Apr 2 - Apr 6): Mixed states, Quantum operations, and Quantum Entanglements
Lecture 18 (04/03/18): KLM 3.5. A few more examples in a lecture note by Gharibian.
Lecture 19 (04/05/18): KLM 3.5. Optional reading on open quantum system.
Logistics: Assignment 4 due on 04/05/18.
Week 12 (Apr 9 - Apr 13): Quantum Non-locality and Quantum Error Correction
Week 13 (Apr 16 - Apr 20): Quantum Error Correction and Fault-tolerant Computation
Lecture 22 (04/17/18): KLM 10.5
Lecture 23 (04/19/18): KLM 10.5
Logistics: Assignment 5 due on 04/21/18.
Week 14 (Apr 23 - Apr 27): Fault-tolerant Computation and Selective Research Frontiers
Week 15 (Apr 30 - May 4): Exam and Group Presentations.
Week 16 (May 7 - May 11): Group Presentations.
Week 17: Exam Week: course project report due on 05/17/18 !